AP elements 160
images 240
options 249
page elements 249
text 240
tracing images 176
All Info tab (Design Notes) 103
alternative (Alt) text 245
Anchor object (Insert bar) 285
Anchor Points For Aligned Elements
option 221
Anchor Points For Layers option 221
anchors, named 285
animation 168
along complex path 168
applying to objects 171
copying and pasting 170
creating 168
improving 171
timelines 166
AP elements
about 151
aligning 160
anchor points 220
changing stacking order of 158
changing visibility with AP
Elements panel 158
changing visibility with
behaviors 360
converting to tables 161
defined by styles 133
draggable 354
in table design 161
moving 160
nested 153, 154
positioning 155
positioning with CSS styles 133
preferences 162
preventing overlap 161
properties for multiple 156
properties for single 155
properties, setting 155
resizing 159
selecting multiple 156, 157
showing and hiding borders 153
snapping to grid 175
view and set preferences 154
visibility, changing 158
working with 152, 153
AP Elements panel 157
Apache web server on Mac OS X 501
AppleTalk servers 44, 65, 66
applets. See Java applets
application integration, with other
Adobe software 366
application servers
about 493
setting up 502
application variables 558
Apply Source Formatting option 77
Apply Template To Page
command 414
application servers 505
command objects, using 651
connecting to ISP 514
connection without DSN 513
database connections 510
DSN connections 512
editing scripts 336
insert pages, building 633
login pages 660
master and detail pages 622
OLE DB connections 510
search pages, building 624
stored procedures 657
CheckBox controls 689
database connections 518
DataGrid column types 691
DataGrid control 691, 692
DataGrid Delete Buttons 691
DataGrid web control 691
DataList control 691
dynamic 687
form controls, adding 686
form controls, modifying 686
importing tags 346
insert pages, building 633
installing the .NET
Framework 506
languages used with 496
ListBox control 687
radio button, preselecting 690
search pages, building 629
stored procedures 655
TextBox control 688
writing SQL for 544
categories 110
colors, creating 114
copying and pasting 113
editing 113
Favorites folder, creating 115
Favorites list 110, 114
inserting 111
managing 109
reusing in another site 113
selecting multiple 112
Site list 110, 111
URLs, creating 114
using the Assets panel 110
viewing 109
working with 109
Assets panel
opening 109
Templates category 396
using 110
Attach Style Sheet icon 139
See also code
editing with the Tag inspector 331
encoding values 312
making dynamic 566
searching for 320
audio. See sound
authorization levels 662
automating tasks 698
auto-number fields,
troubleshooting 529
Autoplay option (Timelines
panel) 167
autostretch (Layout mode) 193
background image and color,
setting 130
CSS style settings 130
image and color, setting 130, 217
properties 130
transparency in 217
Background File Activity dialog
box 90
background file transfers 87
balancing braces 327
September 4, 2007