Exporting and importing template content, About template xml content, Export a document’s editable regions as xml – Adobe Dreamweaver CS3 User Manual
Page 419: Import xml content
User Guide
Documents that are based on a deleted template are not detached from the template; they retain the structure and
editable regions that the template file had before it was deleted. You can convert such a document into an HTML file
without editable or locked regions.
See also
“Detach a document from a template” on page 414
“Applying or removing a template from an existing document” on page 413
“Creating a Dreamweaver template” on page 395
Exporting and importing template content
About template XML content
You can think of a document based on a template as containing data represented by name-value pairs. Each pair
consists of the name of an editable region, and the contents of that region.
You can export the name-value pairs into an XML file so that you can work with the data outside of Dreamweaver
(for example, in an XML editor or a text editor, or a database application). Conversely, if you have an XML document
that’s structured appropriately, you can import the data from it into a document based on a Dreamweaver template.
Export a document’s editable regions as XML
Open a template-based document that contains editable regions.
Select File > Export > Template Data As XML.
Select one of the Notation options:
If the template contains repeating regions or template parameters, select Use Standard Dreamweaver XML Tag.
If the template does not contain repeating regions or template parameters, select Use Editable Region Names as
XML Tags.
Click OK.
In the dialog box that appears, select a folder location, enter a name for the XML file, and then click Save.
An XML file is generated that contains the material from the document’s parameters and editable regions, including
editable regions inside repeating regions or optional regions. The XML file includes the name of the original
template, as well as the name and contents of each template region.
Note: Content in the non-editable regions is not exported to the XML file.
Import XML content
Select File > Import > Import XML into Template.
Select the XML file and click Open.
Dreamweaver creates a new document based on the template specified in the XML file. It fills in the contents of each
editable region in that document using the data from the XML file. The resulting document appears in a new
Document window.
September 4, 2007