Adobe Dreamweaver CS3 User Manual

Page 556

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User Guide


A table appears displaying the returned data. Each row contains a record and each column represents a field in that


Click OK. The newly defined recordset appears in the Bindings panel.

Options for the simple Recordset dialog box (ColdFusion)

Define a recordset for ColdFusion document types as a source of dynamic content without you having to hand code
SQL statements.

Note: If you are creating recordsets for use with ColdFusion 5 or earlier, use the generic Simple Recordset dialog box
common to other document types such as ASP and JSP.


In the Name box, enter a name for the recordset.

A common practice is to add the prefix rs to recordset names to distinguish them from other object names in your
code. For example:


Recordset names can only contain letters, numbers, and the underscore character (_). You cannot use special
characters or spaces.


If you’re defining a recordset for a ColdFusion component (that is, if a CFC file is currently open in

Dreamweaver), select an existing CFC function from the Function pop-up menu, or click the New Function button
to create a new function.

Note: The Function pop-up menu is only available if a CFC file is the current document and you have access to a
computer running ColdFusion MX 7 or better.

The recordset is defined in the function.


Select a data source from the Data Source pop-up menu.

If no data source appears in the pop-up menu, you must create a ColdFusion data source.


In the Username and Password boxes, enter the user name and password for the ColdFusion application server if


Data sources in ColdFusion may require a user name and password to access them. If you do not have the user name
and password to access a data source in ColdFusion, contact your organization’s ColdFusion administrator.


In the Table pop-up menu, select the database table that will provide data to the recordset.

The Table pop-up menu displays all tables in the specified database.


To include a subset of the table’s columns in the recordset, click Selected and choose the desired columns by

Control-clicking (Windows) or Command-clicking (Macintosh) them in the list.


To further limit the records returned from the table, complete the Filter section:

From the first pop-up menu, select a column in the database table to compare against a test value you define.

From the second pop-up menu, select a conditional expression to compare the selected value in each record
against the test value.

From the third pop-up menu, select Entered Value.

In the box, enter the test value.

If the specified value in a record meets your filtering condition, the record is included in the recordset.


(Optional) To sort the records, select a column to sort by, and then specify whether the records should be sorted

in ascending (1, 2, 3... or A, B, C...) or descending order.

September 4, 2007