Viewing live data, View live data in design view – Adobe Dreamweaver CS3 User Manual

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User Guide



Change any of the following parameters in the Currency, Number, or Percent dialog boxes, and click OK.

The number of digits to display after the decimal point

Whether to place a leading zero in front of fractions

Whether to use parentheses or a minus sign for negative values

Whether to group digits


To delete a data format, click the format in the list, and click the Minus (-) button.

Create a data format


Open a page containing dynamic data in Design view.


Select the dynamic data you want to create a custom format for.


Select Window > Bindings to display the Bindings panel, and click the down arrow in the Format column. If the

down arrow is not visible, expand the panel.


Select Edit Format List from the pop-up menu.


Click the Plus (+) button, and select a format type.

Note: Dreamweaver only supports creating data formats for ASP and JSP server models. ColdFusion, PHP, and
ASP.NET users cannot create data formats from within Dreamweaver.


Define the format, and click OK.


Enter a name for the new format in the Name column, and click OK.

Note: If you are a ColdFusion, PHP, or ASP.NET extension developer, you can download formats that other developer
created, and create server formats and post them to the Dreamweaver Exchange. For more information on the Server
Format API, see Extending Dreamweaver (Help > Extending Dreamweaver > Server Formats).

Viewing live data

View live data in Design view

Dreamweaver can display the dynamic content of a page while you work on the page in Design view.


Make sure Dreamweaver is properly configured to display live data.

For more information, see “Requirements for displaying live data” on page 580.


Select View > Live Data.

The page appears in Design view complete with dynamic content.

When Live Data is enabled in Design view, you can do the following:

Adjust the page’s layout using the page-design tools

Add, edit, or delete dynamic content

Add, edit, or delete server behaviors

Note: Links don’t work in Design view. To test your links, use the Preview In Browser feature.

When you make a change to the page that affects dynamic content, you can refresh the page by clicking the Refresh
button (the circle-arrow icon). Dreamweaver can also refresh the page for you automatically.

September 4, 2007