column header menu 199
fixed width 193
make cell widths consistent 198
nested layout tables 194
preferences 201
removing nesting 198
removing spacer images 198
resizing and moving layout cells
and tables 198
resizing and moving layout cells
and tables, working with 197
setting width 193
spacer images, preferences 193
switching to and from Standard
mode 193
layout tables
about 191
nested 194
preferences 201
layout, planning. See Layout mode
leading (line height) 130
Legacy folder, for code snippets 315
library items
about 108
adding to pages 116
as assets. See assets
changing highlight color 118
creating 116
deleting 118
editing 117
editing behaviors in 119
making editable in documents 119
preferences 118
properties 118
recreating 118
renaming 117
line breaks, invisible elements
preference 221
line height 130
line numbers in code 309
lines, wrapping in Code view 309
Link Checker panel 296
link href tag 139
linked documents, opening 289
anchors 285
documents using Point-to-File
icon 283
documents 281
to external CSS style sheet 139
to named anchor using Point-to-
File icon 286
navigation and 279
to external style sheets 139
to Microsoft Word or Excel
documents 235
to anchors 285
broken, finding 295
cache file 287
case-sensitive 43
changing frames with 212
changing sitewide 289
checking 295
creating null links 287
files in site map 54
fixing broken 296
opening source 288
properties 340
Relative to Document option 282
Relative to Site Root option 282
removing 288
to script files 335
setting relative paths 284
site map 288
to style sheets 139
targeting 281
updating 287
links, setting color (Page
Properties) 239
list menus 602
list properties 133, 228
ListBox control 687
creating 228
defining styles 133
Live Data Settings dialog box 582
Live Data window
about 568
Auto Refresh 582
missing files 581
providing expected
parameters 582
URL parameters on toolbar 568,
viewing 580
live objects
recordset counters 576
recordset navigation links 571
LiveDocs 2
local drive, accessing files on 84
local folder, structure 41
local sites. See sites 42
localhost 499
database files 527
files, warning when opening 36
locked regions, clicking in 415
file transfers 91
network activity 59
logging out users 664
login pages
building 660
ColdFusion 665
logon failures, SQL Server 528
looping timelines 169
Mac OS color options 223
accessibility 705
servers 501
tabbed documents 34
macros, creating commands 702
map tag 293
Margin option (CSS Rule
Definition) 132
Mark of the Web, code 299
markers for invisible elements 219
markup. See code
master and detail pages, building
(ColdFusion, ASP, JSP, and
PHP) 622
master and detail regions in Spry 479
Match Whole Word option 230
MDAC (Microsoft Data Access
Components) 518
media elements
inserting 270
parameters 277
media object attributes
editing 271
Menu Bar widget
See also Spry
about 453
adding and deleting menus and
submenus 454
assigning target attributes for 455
changing orientation of 456
September 4, 2007