Adobe Dreamweaver CS3 User Manual
Page 536

User Guide
[Reference]80040e10—COUNT field incorrect
This error occurs when you preview a page containing an Insert Record server behavior in a web browser and try to
use it to insert a record in a Microsoft Access database.
You might be trying to insert a record into a database field that has a question mark (?) in its field name. The question
mark is a special character for some database engines, including Microsoft Access, and should not be used for
database table names or field names.
Open your database system and delete the question mark (?) from the field names, and update the server behaviors
on your page that refer to this field.
[Reference]80040e14—Syntax error in INSERT INTO statement
This error occurs when the server tries to process a page containing an Insert Record server behavior.
This error typically results from one or more of the following problems with the name of a field, object, or variable
in the database:
Using a reserved word as a name. Most databases have a set of reserved words. For example, “date” is a reserved
word and cannot be used for column names in a database.
Using special characters in the name. Examples of special characters include:
. / * : ! # & - ?
Using a space in the name.
The error can also occur when an input mask is defined for an object in the database, and the inserted data does not
conform to the mask.
To fix the problem, avoid using reserved words such as “date”, “name”, “select”, “where,” and “level” when specifying
column names in your database. Also, eliminate spaces and special characters.
See the following web pages for lists of reserved words for common database systems:
Microsoft Access at
Microsoft SQL Server at
MySQL at
[Reference]80040e21—ODBC error on Insert or Update
This error occurs when the server tries to process a page containing an Update Record or Insert Record server
behavior. The database cannot handle the update or insert operation the server behavior is trying to perform.
Here are possible causes and solutions:
The server behavior is trying to update a database table’s auto-number field or to insert a record into an auto-
number field. Because auto-number fields are populated automatically by the database system, any attempt to
externally populate them with a value fails.
The data the server behavior is updating or inserting is the wrong type for the database field, such as inserting a
date into a Boolean (yes/no) field, inserting a string into a numeric field, or inserting an improperly formatted
string into Date/Time field.
[Reference]800a0bcd—Either BOF or EOF is true
This error occurs when you attempt to view a dynamic page in a web browser or in Live Data mode.
September 4, 2007