Make an editable tag attribute uneditable, Creating a nested template, About nested templates – Adobe Dreamweaver CS3 User Manual

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User Guide



In the Label box, enter a unique name for the attribute.

To make it easier to identify a specific editable tag attribute later, use a label that identifies the element and the
attribute. For example, you might label an image whose source is editable logoSrc or label the editable background

color of a body tag bodyBgcolor.


In the Type menu, select the type of value allowed for this attribute by setting one of the following options:

To enable a user to enter a text value for the attribute, select Text. For example, you can use text with the


attribute; the user can then set the attribute’s value to left, right, or center.

To insert a link to an element, such as the file path to an image, select URL. Using this option automatically updates
the path used in a link. If the user moves the image to a new folder, the Update Links dialog box appears.

To make the color picker available for selecting a value, select Color.

To enable a template user to type a numerical value to update an attribute (for example, to change the height or
width values of an image), select Number.


The Default Value box displays the value of the selected tag attribute in the template. Enter a new value in this box

to set a different initial value for the parameter in the template-based document.


(Optional) If you want to make changes to another attribute of the selected tag, select the attribute and set the

options for that attribute.


Click OK.

See also

“Modify template properties” on page 415

Make an editable tag attribute uneditable

A tag previously marked as editable can be marked as uneditable.


In the template document, click the element associated with the editable attribute or use the tag selector to select

the tag.


Select Modify > Templates > Make Attribute Editable.


In the Attributes pop-up menu, select the attribute you want to affect.


Deselect Make Attribute Editable and click OK.


Update documents based on the template.

Creating a nested template

About nested templates

A nested template is a template whose design and editable regions are based on another template. Nested templates
are useful for controlling content in pages of a site that share many design elements, but have a few variations
between pages. For example, a base template might contain broader design areas and be usable by many content
contributors for a site, while a nested template might further define the editable regions in pages for a specific section
in a site.

September 4, 2007