Optimizing the workspace for visual development, Displaying web-application development panels, Chapter 19: making pages dynamic – Adobe Dreamweaver CS3 User Manual
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Chapter 19: Making pages dynamic
You can create dynamic pages that display information from dynamic content sources such as databases and session
variables. Adobe® Dreamweaver® CS3 supports dynamic page development for ColdFusion, ASP, ASP.NET, JSP, and
PHP server models.
You can also use an Ajax-based framework called Spry to create dynamic pages that display and process XML data.
Using prebuilt Spry form elements lets you build dynamic pages that don’t require a full-page refresh.
Optimizing the workspace for visual development
Displaying web-application development panels
Click the Data tab in the Insert bar to display a set of buttons that let you add dynamic content and server behaviors
to your page.
The number and type of buttons that appear vary depending upon the document type opened in the Document
window. Move your mouse over an icon to display a tooltip that describes what that button does.
The Insert bar includes buttons to add the following items to the page:
Dynamic text or tables
Record navigation bars
If you switch to Code view (View > Code), additional panels might appear in their own Insert bar category, allowing
you to insert code in the page. For example, if you view a ColdFusion page in Code view, a CFML panel becomes
available in the CFML category of the Insert bar.
Several panels provide ways for you to create dynamic pages:
Select the Bindings panel (Window > Bindings) to define sources of dynamic content for your page and add the
content to the page.
Select the Server Behaviors panel (Window > Server Behaviors) to add server-side logic to your dynamic pages.
Select the Databases panel (Window >Databases) to explore databases or create database connections.
Select the Components panel (Window > Components) to inspect, add, or modify code for JavaBeans, Adobe
ColdFusion components, or web services.
Note: The Components panel is enabled only if you open a ColdFusion, a JSP, or an ASP.NET page. Also, the document
might not support certain components. For example, ColdFusion documents do not support JavaBeans.
A server behavior is the set of instructions inserted in a dynamic page at design time and executed on the server at
run time.
For a tutorial on setting up the development workspace, see
September 4, 2007