Edit xsl transformation server behaviors, Create a dynamic link, Applying styles to xslt fragments – Adobe Dreamweaver CS3 User Manual

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User Guide



Upload the dynamic page to your server (Site > Put) and click Yes to include dependent files. The file containing

the XSLT fragment, the XML file containing your data, and the generated run-time library file must all be on the
server for your page to display correctly. (If you selected a remote XML file as your data source, that file must reside
somewhere else on the Internet.)

See also

“Create an XSLT page” on page 429

“Server-side XSL transformations” on page 421

Delete XSLT fragments from dynamic pages

You can remove an XSLT fragment from a page by deleting the XSL Transformation server behavior used to insert
the fragment. Deleting the server behavior deletes the XSLT fragment only—it does not delete the associated XML,
XSLT, or run-time library files.


In the Server Behaviors panel (Window > Server Behaviors), select the XSL Transformation server behavior that

you want to delete.


Click the minus (-) button.

Note: You should always remove server behaviors in this fashion. Manually deleting the generated code only partially
removes the server behavior, even though the server behavior may disappear from the Server Behaviors panel.

Edit XSL Transformation server behaviors

After you’ve added an XSLT fragment to a dynamic web page, you can edit the XSL Transformation server behavior
at any time.


In the Server Behaviors panel (Window > Server Behaviors), double-click the XSL Transformation server

behavior that you want to edit.


Make your changes and click OK.

Create a dynamic link

You can create a dynamic link on your XSLT page that links to a specific URL when the user clicks a specified word
or group of words from your XML data. For full instructions, see the Dreamweaver errata at


Applying styles to XSLT fragments

When you create an entire XSLT page (that is, an XSLT page that contains


tags), you can display

XML data on the page and then format the data like any other piece of content using the Property inspector or the
CSS Styles panel. When you create an XSLT fragment for insertion in a dynamic page, however (for example, a
fragment for insertion in an ASP, PHP, or Cold Fusion page), the rendering of styles in the fragment and in the
dynamic page becomes more complicated. Although you work on an XSLT fragment separately from the dynamic
page, it is important to remember that the fragment is intended for use within the dynamic page, and that the output
from the XSLT fragment ultimately resides somewhere within the

tags of the dynamic page. Given this

workflow, it is important to make sure that you do not include

elements (such as style definitions or links to

external style sheets) in XSLT fragments. Doing so will cause the application server to place these elements into the

of the dynamic page, thereby generating invalid markup.

September 4, 2007