saving 208
selecting 207
targeting links in 281
getting and putting files 87
log 88, 89
preferences 85
troubleshooting 47
Use Passive FTP option 45
functions, viewing 320
gathering data from users 625, 629
General preferences 36
Generator objects, making
dynamic 567
Get More Behaviors command 350
getting and putting files 88
GIF images
as tracing image 175
uses for 243
glossary of common web-application
terms 497
Go button, associating with a jump
menu 356
Go To URL action 355
migrating sites 24
graphics. See images
Grayscale option 223
as visual guides 24
showing and hiding 175
snapping elements to 175
using layout 173
using with templates 174
Hand tool 19, 224
head section, viewing and editing 337
header cell, formatting 183
heading tag 239
about 2
hidden characters 309
hidden files, showing and hiding 54
hidden form fields 221, 601
hiding and showing
invisible elements 219
pop-up menus 363
Highlighting preferences
content blocks 164
layout cells 195
library items 118
tables 181
template regions 419
hints menus for code 313
History panel
commands, creating from history
steps 702
history list, clearing 699
maximum steps, setting 699
overview 698
steps, copying and pasting 701
home page, setting for site map 52
horizontal rules, inserting and
modifying 241
applying behaviors to 255
in image maps 293
resizing 295
selecting multiple in an image
map 294
See also code
attribute reports 106
attributes, making dynamic 566
converting to XHTML 328
embedded programming
languages 495
formatting and inserting 226
non-breaking space 227
roundtrip editing 302
setting file extension 75
source code, searching 229
HTML attrbutes, binding to data 566
HTML forms. See forms
HTML head tags
setting links to same target 283
HTML tags, cleaning up 77
HTML, generated by Word 76
HTTP servers 499
HTTP servers. See also servers
Hyperlink Column (ASP.NET)
dialog box 696
Hyperlink dialog box 284
illegal characters in account
names 528
image buttons 605
image maps
creating client-side 293
hotspots 293
overview 293
selecting multiple hotspots 294
viewing in document 221
image placeholder properties 248
image placeholders, modifying in
Fireworks 368
Image Preview options, optimizing
Photoshop images 375, 376, 379
about 243
aligning 240
applying behaviors to 255
as assets. See assets
brightness and contrast 251
changing source files with
timelines 169
cropping 251
editing with external editor 253
formats, supported 243
image maps 293
inserting 244
inserting from Fireworks 367
inserting from Photoshop 375
inserting in Layout mode 196
making dynamic 565
optimizing in Fireworks 251, 368
optimizing Photoshop images 375,
376, 378
preloading (behavior) 357
properties 245
resampling 251
scalability 250
sharpening 252
swapping and restoring swapped
(behavior) 363
Import Table command 179
ASP.NET tags 346
custom tags 345
external CSS style sheet 139
JRun tags 346
JSP tags 346
Microsoft Word files 76
September 4, 2007