Collaborate on libraries, Share libraries using the creative cloud website, Share libraries from within a desktop application – Adobe InCopy CC 2015 User Manual

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Creative Cloud

Last updated 6/13/2015

Collaborate on libraries

Creative Cloud Libraries connects to your Creative Profile, putting the creative assets you care about at your fingertips.
Your Creative Profile moves with you from app-to-app while automatically surfacing your assets in the right apps and
at the right time for your projects.

You can share libraries with collaborators using the Creative Cloud website or from within Creative Cloud apps.

For a list of Creative Cloud apps currently supporting Libraries, see .

Note: Collaborators need to have an Adobe ID. If they don't already have an Adobe ID, they can create one when they
accept the invitation. Creating an Adobe ID is free and easy.

Share libraries using the Creative Cloud website


In the Creative Cloud Assets left pane, click Libraries.


From the library folder menu, choose Collaborate.


In the Collaborators dialog, enter the email addresses of one or more collaborators. Optionally, enter a message to
be included in the collaboration invite.


Click Invite. Creative Cloud sends out the collaboration invites.

Your collaborators receive an email message inviting them join the collaboration. Existing Creative Cloud members
also receive a notification via the Creative Cloud desktop app and website.

Share libraries from within a desktop application

Do the following to share a library from within a desktop application supporting Creative Cloud Libraries:


In the Libraries panel, select a library from the pop-up menu.


Open the flyout menu and choose Collaborate.


In the browser page that opens up, provide email addresses and an optional message for one or more collaborators
with whom you want to share the library.


Click Invite to send out the collaboration invites.