About adobe sing glyphlet manager – Adobe InCopy CC 2015 User Manual

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Last updated 6/13/2015

Flush Space

Adds a variable amount of space to the last line of a fully justified paragraph, useful for justifying text in the last line.

Change Justification settings


Hair Space

One-twenty-fourth the width of an em space.

Thin Space

One-eighth the width of an em space. You may want to use a thin space on either side of an em dash or en dash.

Figure Space

Same width as a number in the typeface. Use a figure space to help align numbers in financial tables.

Punctuation Space

Same width as an exclamation point, period, or colon in the typeface.

About Adobe SING Glyphlet Manager

The Adobe SING Glyphlet Manager is a utility for installing and searching for glyphlets. It is not included in Adobe
Creative Suite 5.

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