Replace a file, Delete files – Adobe InCopy CC 2015 User Manual

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Creative Cloud

Last updated 6/13/2015

Drag and drop assets from your desktop to the

Creative Cloud Assets


Replace a file

Uploading the file again, creates a version of the file and replaces the existing file with a new one. Creative Cloud also
keeps a copy of every change you make to a file and sync through Photoshop Touch, Adobe Ideas, and the Creative
Cloud desktop app.

To replace a file, using the Creative Cloud Assets page, do the following:


Navigate to and open the file for viewing.


Select Actions > Replace or drag the file from the folder to the browser window.


: The new file must be the same file type as the file being replaced. For example, you can't replace a .PSD file with

a .AI file. For information on versioning, see

Versioning FAQs


Delete files

You can delete files from the Creative Cloud website or Adobe Touch Apps. You can also use the OS commands to delete
files from the Creative Cloud Files directory on your desktop. All file deletions are synced with your account, and files
are archived in Creative Cloud. The original files are always on your computer with a copy available on Creative Cloud
so that you can access it anywhere.