Show or hide tagged frames or tag markers – Adobe InCopy CC 2015 User Manual
Page 373
Last updated 6/13/2015
Note: The Map Tags To Styles command reapplies styles throughout a document, sometimes with unwanted results. When
you map a tag to a style, text that was previously assigned to one style may be reassigned to another, depending on its XML
tag. If you’ve already formatted some text, you might prefer to apply styles manually to prevent your paragraph and
character style choices from being overridden.
Choose Map Tags To Styles from the Tags panel menu or the Structure pane menu.
Do any of the following:
• To import styles, tags, and mapping definitions from another document, click Load, choose a document, and
click Open.
• To map tags to styles individually, click the Style column adjacent to a tag, and choose a paragraph or character
style from the menu that appears. (The paragraph symbol identifies paragraph styles in the menu; an “A”
identifies character styles.) Repeat for each tag you want to map.
• To automatically map tags to styles with the same names, click Map By Name. Styles with names that are identical
to tag names are selected in the Style column. To match, a tag and style must not only have the same name, but
the same case; H1 and h1, for example, are not considered a match. (If the same style name exists in two different
style groups, Map By Name doesn’t work and you are alerted to rename one of the styles.)
Click OK.
Show or hide tagged frames or tag markers
In Galley and Story views, tag markers indicate where items on a page have been tagged. In Layout view, tagged frames
indicate where items such as tables and images have been tagged. The tag color determines the color of the marker or