Xml tools – Adobe InCopy CC 2015 User Manual
Page 365
Last updated 6/13/2015
You can see the structure of XML data in the Structure pane, which displays the hierarchy and sequence of elements.
In the XML structure, child elements are contained by parent elements, which in turn may also be child elements. Or,
seen from the other direction, parent elements contain child elements, and these child elements may in turn be parent
elements to other child elements.
For example, in the following image, you can see a chapter element that contains (is the parent of) several recipe
elements. Each recipe element, in turn, is the parent of elements called recipename, ingredients, instructions, notes, and
servings. All elements are contained inside the Root element, which appears at the top of the Structure pane.
For example, in the following image, you can see a chapter element that contains (is the parent of) a recipe element. The
recipe element, in turn, is the parent of elements called recipename and ingredients. All elements are contained inside
the Story element, which always appears at the top of the Structure pane.
For more information on using XML in InDesign, visi
XML tools
InCopy provides the Structure pane and the Tags panel for working with XML content. The Structure pane displays all
the elements in the document and their hierarchical structure. To help you identify each element, InCopy displays its
element tag and an icon that indicates what type of content it holds. In addition, the Structure pane can display the first
few words of text in an element, called a text snippet, which is not to be confused with snippet files that store objects for