Chapter 6: text, Using the thesaurus, About the thesaurus – Adobe InCopy CC 2015 User Manual
Page 149: Look up words in the thesaurus, Look up a word visible in the document window
Last updated 6/13/2015
Chapter 6: Text
Using the thesaurus
About the thesaurus
The thesaurus lets you look up synonyms, related words, and antonyms for words you specify. For example, if you
specify “figment,” the InCopy thesaurus provides synonyms such as “fiction” and “fable,” related words such as
“concoction” and “fantasy,” and antonyms such as “fact.”
The search for a word doesn’t need to end with the first set of synonyms, related words, and antonyms you find. You
can look up any one of the suggested words and display its synonyms, related words, and antonyms. You can quickly go
back to any of the last 10 words you looked up.
A .Lookup B .Change To C .Language menu D . Current Lookup Word E . Meanings menu F .Definition G .Category menu H .Result list
I .Load Word J .Lookup Word K .Change Word
InCopy provides the following categories for looking up words:
Words having the same or nearly the same meaning as the lookup word.
Words having the opposite or nearly the opposite meaning as the lookup word.
See Also
Words that are conceptually related to the lookup word, although neither a synonyms nor antonyms.
Near Synonyms
Words having a somewhat similar meaning as the lookup word.
Near Antonyms
Words having a meaning that is somewhat akin to the opposite meaning of the lookup word.
Look up words in the thesaurus
You can use the thesaurus to look up synonyms, antonyms, and brief definitions of words.
Look up a word visible in the document window
Choose Window > Thesaurus to open the Thesaurus panel.