Change the default leading percentage, Apply leading to whole paragraphs, Adjust line height based on character proportion – Adobe InCopy CC 2015 User Manual
Page 287: Apply the leading basis position
Last updated 6/13/2015
If InCopy ignores the leading change, it may be due to Vertical Justification or Align To Baseline Grid being selected.
Choose Object > Text Frame Options and make sure Vertical Justification is set to Top, and make sure Do Not Align
To Baseline Grid is selected in the Paragraph panel, Control panel, or paragraph style.
You can also adjust vertical space by aligning text to the baseline grid. When baseline grid is set, the baseline grid setting
takes precedence over the leading value.
Change the default leading percentage
Select the paragraphs that you want to change.
Choose Justification from the Paragraph panel menu or from the Control panel menu.
Choose Roman Justification from the Paragraph panel menu.
For Auto Leading, specify a new default percentage. The minimum value is 0%, and the maximum value is 500%.
Note: The Auto option in the Leading pop-up menu of the Control panel menu sets Auto Leading value in the Justification
dialog box as a ratio (%) of character size. The default is 175% for text frames and 100% for frame grids.
Apply leading to whole paragraphs
Choose Edit > Preferences > Type (Windows) or InCopy > Preferences > Type (Mac OS).
Select Apply Leading To Entire Paragraph, and then click OK.
Note: When you use a character style to apply leading to text, the leading affects only the text to which the style is applied,
not the entire paragraph, regardless of whether the Apply Leading To Entire Paragraph option is selected.
Adjust line height based on character proportion
By changing the text orientation in a frame grid to its opposite (for horizontal text, it is vertical; for vertical text, it is
horizontal), the line height will be changed by default regardless of the grid size. For example, for 13Q characters placed
in a horizontal type 13Q frame grid, when setting the character's vertical proportion to 200%, regardless of grid size,
the line height will be doubled and become 26Q. If this function is turned off, the line height will be the same as the
character height and only the character proportion will be changed.
Select text for which you would like to change the line height based on character proportion.
From the Character panel menu or Control panel menu, select Adjust Line Height With Character Scale.
The line height is adjusted. As a character attribute, this feature is set for each character, but line height is applied to
an entire line containing the set characters.
To disable this feature, select the text for which the feature was enabled, and reselect Adjust Line Height with Character
Scale from the Character panel menu or Control panel menu, and turn it off.
Apply the leading basis position
If you set grid alignment to None, leading is applied from the top or right of the embox of the current line to the top or
right of the embox of the next line by default. Increasing the leading value causes the new value to be applied to all
selected lines.
Select the text and set Grid Alignment to None in the Paragraph panel menu or the Control panel menu.
Specify Leading in the Character panel. Specify a value other than Automatic and set to Static Value Leading.
Select the appropriate leading basis from Leading Basis Position in the Paragraph panel menu or the Control panel