Undo actions, Jump to a position marker, Add column, frame, and page breaks – Adobe InCopy CC 2015 User Manual
Page 197
Last updated 6/13/2015
Note: If you can’t click an insertion point into a nonlocked text frame on a regular page, that text might be on a master
page. Check with the person who set up the frames and with your design team.
Choose View > Layout View if your document is not already in Layout view.
Choose the master page from the page box at the lower left of the document window.
On the master page, select the text that you want to edit, and make the changes.
To edit text on a master page, the master page must include managed stories that are checked out.
Undo actions
You can undo or redo up to several hundred of the most recent actions. The exact number of actions you can undo is
limited by the amount of RAM available and the kinds of actions you have performed. The record of recent actions is
erased when you save, close, quit, or exit, so they can no longer be undone. You can also cancel an operation before it
completes, or revert to a previously saved version.
Do one of the following:
• To undo the most recent change, choose Edit > Undo [action]. (You cannot undo certain actions, such as
• To redo an action you just undid, choose Edit > Redo [action].
• To undo all changes made since the last time you saved the project, choose File > Revert Content.
• To stop a change that InCopy hasn’t finished processing (for example, if you see a progress bar), press the Escape
• To close a dialog box without applying changes, click Cancel.
Jump to a position marker
A position marker is like a bookmark, and it is used to mark a location in a document. This is useful if you need to return
to that location quickly or frequently. A document can have only one position marker.
Place the insertion point where you want to insert the marker.
Choose Edit > Position Marker > Insert Marker. (If you’ve already inserted a marker, choose Replace Marker.)
To jump to the marker from anywhere in the document, choose Edit > Position Marker > Go To Marker.
To clear the marker, choose Edit > Position Marker > Remove Marker. The marker is removed automatically when you
close and reopen the document.
Add column, frame, and page breaks
Control column, frame, and page breaks by inserting special break characters in the text.
Using the Type tool, click to place the insertion point where you want the break to occur.
Choose Type > Insert Break Character, and then choose a break option from the submenu.