Frame grids, About frame grids in incopy documents – Adobe InCopy CC 2015 User Manual
Page 116
InCopy documents
Last updated 6/13/2015
Note: In this mode, page contents are not isolated from the background; therefore, objects with blend modes other than
Normal might appear different in other applications and final output.
Medium Quality
Displays low-resolution drop shadows and feathers. This mode is recommended for most work
unless the document is particularly transparency-heavy, or has many transparency effects.
High Quality
Displays higher-resolution (144 dpi) drop shadows and feathers, CMYK mattes, and spread isolation.
Note: When a document’s blending space is CMYK and you have either enabled the overprint preview mode or soft
proofing, opacity matting is done in CMYK rather than RGB. This means that partially transparent CMYK colors
display as tinted CMYK colors.
To view anti-aliasing for text, stroke, fill, and other page items, choose Enable Anti-aliasing. If text is converted to
outlines, then the resulting outlines can be anti-aliased (Mac OS only).
To set the point size below which text displays as a dimmed bar, type a value for Greek Type Below.
Click OK.
To reset all controls back to the original default settings, click Use Defaults.
Frame grids
About frame grids in InCopy documents
When you create a new document in InCopy, you can decide whether the text area will contain a frame grid or plain
text frame. A frame grid includes a set of squares into which Japanese characters appear. Frame grids are essentially the
same as plain text frames in function and appearance except that they contain grids that can affect the appearance of
Frame grids have the following characteristics:
• Frame grids contain character attribute settings. These preset character attributes are applied to placed text. Plain
text frames, meanwhile, do not have character attribute settings. When text is placed, it takes on the character
attributes currently selected in the Character panel.
• Frame grid character attributes can be changed using File >Document Setup. Because plain text frames have no
character attributes, you will need to select some placed text and set attributes using the Character panel. You can
also select text placed in a frame grid and use the Character panel to change the character attributes.
• The grid of the frame grid is determined by the grid attributes (text direction, vertical and horizontal percentage,
character aki, and line aki). You cannot change the color of a frame grid in InCopy.
• When you place the InCopy document into an existing InDesign frame grid or text frame, the InDesign settings are
used to format the text. If you click the loaded text icon while placing the InCopy document, the InCopy document
maintains the text area setting defined in InCopy.
• Unlike InDesign, InCopy does not have a layout grid or named grids.
• Frame grids appear only in Layout View when Show Frame Grid is selected. Show Frame Grid is turned on by