Change leading, Change leading of selected text – Adobe InCopy CC 2015 User Manual
Page 286
Last updated 6/13/2015
When grid alignment is set to None, set text leading in the text frame with the Leading value in the Character panel.
When grid alignment is set to anything other than None, leading will be applied according to the baseline grid settings.
Note: When copying text placed on the frame grid and pasting into a text frame, the text is pasted with the frame grid
attributes intact, so Automatic in Leading is set to 100%. If line spacing appears squeezed, set a value for Leading instead
of using the automatic setting.
To set Leading for text in frame grids use Line Gap in the Frame Grid Settings dialog box instead of the leading value.
The leading value for text in the frame grid is the sum of the Line Gap value and the grid size (font size). In other words,
if the grid size is 13Q and line gap is 10H, the actual leading value will be "23H".
Please note that for text placed in the frame grid, the default grid justification is set to Center. In this case, the value
between the grid center and the center of the next grid will be the leading value. When grid justification has been set
to None, leading will be applied from the location specified in the grid. When grid justification is set to None, leading
will be applied according to the value set in Leading in the Character panel.
Leading within a frame grid is complex. For placed text, the actual leading value changes depending on the Font Size,
Leading value and also the Gyoudori settings in the Paragraph panel. Take note of the following:
• If you leave the font size for the frame grid unchanged, but make the font size or leading value of placed text smaller
than the grid size in the Character panel, the text will be aligned to the grid according to the Grid Justification
• If you leave the font size (grid size) for a frame grid unchanged but use the Character panel to make the font size of
placed text larger than the grid size+line gap, gyoudori will be determined automatically, and you can align to the
grid in increments of 0.5 lines, therefore 1.5, 2, 2.5 and 3 and so on if Gyoudori is set to Automatic. If Gyoudori is
set to anything other than Automatic, text will be aligned to the grid according to this setting, and for a large font
size the characters will overlap.
• If you leave the font size (grid size) of the frame grid unchanged but use the Character panel to set the gyoudori of
placed text to a value larger than the grid size+line gap, leading will apply to the next line when leading is set to
Automatic. For example, if the frame grid size is 13Q and the line gap is set to 10H, when leading is set to 24H, text
will be placed on every other line. If set to 47H, text will be placed on every third line. For any leading setting other
than Automatic, the value set in Leading will be ignored.
Change leading
By default, leading is a character attribute, which means that you can apply more than one leading value within the same
paragraph. The largest leading value in a line of type determines the leading for that line. However, you can select a
preferences option so that leading applies to the entire paragraph, instead of to text within a paragraph. This setting
does not affect the leading in existing frames.
Change leading of selected text
Select the text you want to change.
Do any of the following:
• In the Character panel or Control panel, choose the leading you want from the Leading menu
• In the Character panel or Control panel, choose the leading you want from the Leading menu
• Select the existing leading value and type a new value.
• While creating a paragraph style, change the leading using the Basic Character Formats panel.