Adobe InCopy CC 2015 User Manual
Page 211
Last updated 6/13/2015
( )
(quick) (brown) (fox)
The quick brown fox jumps up
and down.
The quick brown fox jumps up
and down.
All found text = quick brown fox;
Found Text 1= quick; Found Text 2
= brown; Found Text 3= fox
Non-marking parentheses
(quick) ($:brown) (fox)
The quick brown fox jumps up
and down.
The quick brown fox jumps up
and down.
All found text = quick brown fox;
Found Text 1= quick; Found Text 2
= fox
Case-insensitive on
You can also use (?i:apple)
Apple apple APPLE
Case-insensitive off
Apple apple APPLE
Apple apple APPLE
Multiline on
In this example, the expression
looks for one or more (+) word
characters (\w) at the beginning
of a line (^). The (?m) expression
allows all lines within the found
text to be treated as separate
(?m)^\w matches the beginning
of each paragraph. (?-m)^\w
matches only the beginning of
the story.
One Two Three Four Five Six
Seven Eight
One Two ThreeFour Five
SixSeven Eight
Multiline off
One Two Three Four Five Six
Seven Eight
One Two Three Four Five Six
Seven Eight
Search string
Sample text
Matches (in bold)