Manage cross-references, Update cross-references, Relink cross-references – Adobe InCopy CC 2015 User Manual
Page 190: Edit cross-references
Last updated 6/13/2015
Manage cross-references
When you insert a cross-reference, the Hyperlinks panel indicates the status of the cross-reference. For example, icons
indicate if the destination text appears on the pasteboard
, a master page
, a hidden layer
, in overset text
or in hidden text
. Cross-references that link to such destination areas are unresolved. The panel also lets you know
if the destination paragraph has been edited
(also called out-of-date) or is missing
. Destination text is missing if
either the destination text or the file containing the destination text cannot be found. Hold the mouse pointer over any
icon to view a tool tip description.
In InCopy, you can manage cross-references only if the story is checked out for editing.
Update cross-references
An update icon indicates that the cross-reference destination text has changed or that the cross-reference source text
has been edited. You can easily update the cross-reference. If the destination moves to a different page, the cross-
reference is updated automatically.
When you update a cross-reference, any formatting changes you’ve made to the source text are removed.
When printing or outputting, you are notified if cross-references are out of date or unresolved.
You can also use the Preflight panel to notify you when cross-references are out of date or unresolved. When defining a
profile, select Cross-References in the Text section. Se
Select one or more out-of-date cross-references. To update all cross-references, make sure that none are selected.
Do any of the following:
• Click the Update Cross-References button
in the Hyperlinks panel.
• Choose Update Cross-Reference from the Hyperlinks panel menu.
• Choose Type > Hyperlinks & Cross-References > Update Cross-Reference.
To update all cross-references in a book, choose Update All Cross-References from the book panel menu. You are
notified if any cross-references remain unresolved.
Relink cross-references
If the missing destination text has been moved to a different document, or if the document containing the destination
text is renamed, you can relink the cross-reference. When you relink, any changes made to the source cross-reference
are removed.
In the Cross-References section of the Hyperlinks panel, select the cross-reference you want to relink.
Choose Relink Cross-Reference from the Hyperlinks panel menu.
Locate the document in which the destination text appears, and then click Open.
If any other destination text appears in that document, you can relink additional cross-references.
Edit cross-references
To change the appearance of the source cross-reference or specify a different format, you can edit the cross-reference.
If you edit a cross-reference that links to a different document, the document is opened automatically.
Do any of the following:
• Choose Type > Hyperlinks & Cross References > Cross-Reference Options.
• In the Cross-References section of the Hyperlinks panel, double-click the cross-reference you want to edit.
• Select the cross-reference, and choose Cross-Reference Options from the Hyperlinks panel menu.