Metrohm 799 GPT Titrino User Manual
Page 69

2.6 Parameters, key
799 GPT Titrino
meas.val: OFF
low lim. pH -20.00
up lim. pH 20.00
action: none
temperature: OFF
low lim. -170.0 °C
up lim. 500.0 °C
action: none
assign output L10: none
violated limit: any
output L10: pulse
Monitoring of measured values
Limit value violations are marked in the measuring
point list.
Measured values and temperatures are only stored in
the measuring point list if their monitoring is active.
Monitoring of measured values (ON, OFF)
With "ON", the following requests:
Limits for measured values (input range depends on
measured quantity:
pH: 0...±20.00
U, Ipol: 0...±2000 mV
Upol: 0...±200.0
Action if a limit is exceeded (end, hold, wait, none)
end: Abort
hold: Hold reagent addition until manually restarted.
wait: Hold reagent addition until limits are again
complied with, then continue automatically.
Monitoring of temperature (ON, OFF)
With "ON", the following requests:
Limits for measured values (-170.0...500.0 °C)
Action if a limit is exceeded (end, hold, wait, none)
end: Abort
hold: Hold reagent addition until manually restarted.
wait: Hold reagent addition until limits are again
complied with, then continue automatically.
Assignment of output I/O lines (meas, temp, all, none)
L10 output sets a signal when values are out of limit
(pin 8).
With an assignment, the following requests:
Assignment of a violated limit (any, upper, lower)
The signal will be set if the assigned limit is violated.
Type of signal to be set when limits are violated. (active,
active: Output line is set to 0 V.
pulse: Pulse > 100 ms.
Important: An active line will be set inactive with an
Same possibilities for lines L11, L12, L13.
Pin assignment on socket "Remote":
L10 Pin
L11 Pin
L12 Pin
L13 Pin