Metrohm 799 GPT Titrino User Manual
Page 159

3.2 Remote control commands
799 GPT Titrino
Parameters for DOC: Titration direction.
auto means the titration direction is determined automatically by the instru-
ment. The direction is used only when the ramp start is the same as init. Mode.Parameter.DosPara.StartV.Type abs.,
Mode.Parameter.DosPara.StartV.V 0...999.99
0...±999 999
Mode.Parameter.DosPara.StartV.Rate 0.01...150, max.
0...999 999
Parameters for DOC: Start volume and pause time in s. Runs after dispensing
of the start volume.
If an absolute start volume (abs.) has been selected, the volume is in ml (Vol-
A relative start volume (rel.) is dispensed as a function of the sample size:
Start volume in ml = sample size * factor (the factor selected (Factor)
The dosing rate in ml/min holds for both cases. Max. means the maximum
possible dosing rate with the Exchange Unit currently mounted. Mode.Parameter.DosPara.MeasInput
1, 2, diff.
Mode.Parameter.DosPara.Ipol 0...1...±127
Mode.Parameter.DosPara.Upol 0...400...±1270
Mode.Parameter.DosPara.PolElectrTest ON, OFF
Parameters for DOC:
Selection of the measurement input (MeasInput) applies to the measured
quantities pH and U. diff. means differential amplifier, see page 216.
With Ipol, the requests for the polarization current in uA (Ipol) and
.PolElectrTest apply.
With Upol, the request for the polarization voltage in mV (Upol) applies. Entry
in steps of 10 mV. .PolElectrTest also applies.
If the test for polarized electrodes is switched on (ON), it will be performed on
the change from the inactive basic mode to an active mode. Mode.Parameter.Measuring.SignalDrift
pH, U, Ipol, T:
0.5...999, OFF
Upol: 0.05...99.9, OFF
Mode.Parameter.Measuring.UnitSigDrift read
Mode.Parameter.Measuring.EquTime 0...9999, OFF
Parameters for MEAS: Criteria for the measured value acquisition. Measured
value drift in mV/min (with pH, U, Ipol, T), uA/min (with Upol), resp. °C/min
(with T). Equilibration time in s. OFF means that the corresponding criterion is
switched off. If both criteria are OFF, the measurement continues indefinitely.
If the equilibration time has never been edited, it is automatically calculated by
the instrument to match the drift, see page 69. After it has been edited once, it
remains in force with the set value. Mode.Parameter.Measuring.MeasInput
1, 2, diff.
Mode.Parameter.Measuring.Ipol ±127...1...+127
Mode.Parameter.Measuring.Upol ±1270...400...+1270
Mode.Parameter.Measuring.PolElectrTest ON, OFF
Parameters for MEAS: