4 recovering from "stops, Section 4.4 – INFICON XTC/C Thin Film Deposition Controller User Manual
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XTC/C - XTC/2 Operating Manual
4.4 Recovering From "STOPS"
These instruments have the ability to complete a process (recover) from a
STOP without manually reprogramming any film or process parameters.
Recovery from a STOP (generated by an operator or any machine induced
condition) requires only that the START command be given (be sure that the
CONTINUE annunciator is visible on the display). The film in process at the
time of the STOP will again be executed from the beginning, but the displayed
thickness will not be "zeroed" upon reentry of the DEPOSIT state. Instead, the
thickness that was accumulated at the time of the generation of the STOP will
be used. Thickness will accumulate in the normal fashion from that point. All
processing will occur in the normal fashion from the reentry of the deposit state,
forward. In this manner a "repair" layer may be added to the previous run to
bring the film to the specified thickness.
If it is not desired to recover, the process may be reset to the beginning of layer
one by issuing a RESET command prior to a START command. The
CONTINUE annunciator will not be visible on the operating display after the
RESET command is given. This procedure may be used if the layer in question
cannot be successfully repaired by adding a second layer of the same material
to achieve final thickness specification.
NOTE: A RESET command may be given by pressing the front panel reset key
when the display is in the operate mode, or through the remote