Apple Keynote '08 User Manual

Page 103

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Chapter 5

Using Motion in Slideshows


You can, for example, make bulleted text appear line by line. Or you can display
individual parts of a chart one at a time to focus viewers’ attention or build suspense.
You can make an image move onto the slide from the left and later move off the slide
to the right.

Moving Objects on or off Slides Using Build Effects

To move elements on or off a slide, begin with the completed slide (all elements
visible), and then define a build for each element you want to appear or disappear.

To automatically move an object on or off a slide:


On a slide, select the object you want to make move on or off the slide.

Shift-click to select multiple objects.


Click Inspector in the toolbar, and then click the Build Inspector button.


To make the object move onto the slide, click Build In. To make the object leave the
slide, click Build Out.


Choose an option from the Effect pop-up menu.

If you are applying the effect to a Smart Build: Some Smart Builds use effects that can
also be used to move the images on or off a slide. If you use one of these Smart Builds,
you’ll see “Use Smart Build” in the Effect menu. For more information, see “Animating
Images Using Smart Builds” on page 107.

Set how long it takes to
complete the build.

Choose the elements to

Open the Build Order
drawer to reorder builds.

Set the animation type,
direction, and build
order for each object.

Build objects as

a whole or in parts.

The Build Inspector


Use Build In animations

to move elements onto

a slide, and Build Out

animations to move

elements off a slide.

Give individual timings

to elements or

interleave elements.

Click to preview
the build.