2 the no solo setup display, Delay, Multi – DiGiCo SD Series User Manual
Page 76: No solo, Single, 2 the no solo setup display -42, Chapter 2 - the master screen

Chapter 2 - The Master Screen
The first button selects which point in the channel feeds the buss, and toggles between PFL and AFL, as indicated by the pfl or
afl labelling above the button turning green. The button is also ringed green on the worksurface when afl is selected.
The second button toggles the two solo button modes: multi in which multiple channels can feed the solo buss at once, or
single in which only one channel can feed the buss. In single mode, when a channel is feeding the solo buss, pressing the solo
button on a different channel will cause the originally selected channel to be deselected from the solo buss. The solo button mode
is indicated by the multi or single labelling above the button turning red. The button is also ringed red on the worksurface when
single is selected.
All feeds to the solo buss can also be cleared by pressing the clear button. When there is a feed to that solo buss somewhere on
the console, the button is ringed blue on the worksurface.
The level of the solo buss can be adjusted using the trim encoder on the worksurface. The on-screen trim pot is always as-
signed to this worksurface encoder, as indicated by the presence of green ring around it. The signal can be trimmed by ±18dB,
and the trim value is indicated to the right of the on-screen trim pot.
In the centre of the Solo 1 or Solo 2 display, there is an auto solo area which lists all the channels which are selected for the
auto solo function. This function automatically routes selected channels to that solo bus whenever another channel is soloed,
and the selected channels can be scrolled if necessary using the scroll bar on the right of the list. The auto solo channels are
selected in the Channel Setup display. This auto solo function is enabled and disabled by touching the left-hand blue button
below the auto solo list. The button label displays whether the auto solo function is enabled or disabled. The channels in the
auto solo list can all be removed by touching the clear all button below the auto solo list.
Tip: If you are using effects returns, selecting auto solo will allow soloed tracks to be auditioned with their
effects returns - this function only works in Multi-Solo mode.
The solo buss signal can be delayed using the delay pot to the right of the auto solo area. Switch the delay on using the on
button below the pot. Touch the pot to assign it to the Touch-Turn encoder. The delay value has a range of 0 to 2.7 seconds and
is displayed above and to the right of the delay pot.
The mono, stereo and surround buttons to the left of the auto solo area select the size of the solo buss. Each button is red
when selected and grey when not selected. The selected format is also indicated by the number of meters displayed in the top-
left corner of each display.
2.10.2 The No Solo Setup Display ................................................
Below the mono, stereo and surround buttons, is a button marked no solo. This button defines what signal (if any) is present
on the buss when no channel solo is active. By default, there is no signal feeding the buss when no channel solo is active.
Pressing this button opens the No Solo Setup display:
At the top of the display, there is a text box which can be used for renaming the solo buss. Touch the box or the keyboard symbol
to its right, type the new name on the on-screen or external keyboard and press OK. The Channel Name display containing
commonly used words for quick insertion can be accessed for buss naming by touching the down arrow immediately to the right
of the text box. The solo buss name will then appear at the top of its master solo display, and in any solo-assigned master faders
(See below for details).
Below the naming area, there are two columns of buttons used for selecting the audio source for the no solo function from
among the group and aux channels. The left-hand column contains two pairs of buttons: the groups buttons (mono or stereo)
and the auxes buttons (mono or stereo). Touching one of these buttons causes it to lighten to indicate that it is selected, and
results in a list of those channels appearing in the right-hand column. A scroll bar appears in the right of the display if the channel
list is too long for the window.
Touching one of these signal buttons assigns it to the no solo function, as indicated by the lightening of the signal’s button and by
the labelling immediately beneath the no solo button displaying the signal name. If a stereo signal is selected here, only the left-
hand signal is displayed beneath the button. Signals can be deselected by touching them again. When no signal is selected for the
no solo function, the labelling beneath the button displays none.