Sd series software reference, Copyright © 2014 digico uk ltd, Licence agreement – DiGiCo SD Series User Manual

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SD Series Software Reference


Copyright © 2014 Digico UK Ltd

All rights reserved.

No part of this publication may be reproduced, transmitted, transcribed, stored in a retrieval system, or translated into any
language in any form by any means without the written permission of Digico UK Ltd. Information in this manual is subject to
change without notice, and does not represent a commitment on the part of the vendor. Digico UK Ltd shall not be liable for any
loss or damage whatsoever arising from the use of information or any error contained in this manual.
All repair and service of the SD products should be undertaken by Digico UK Ltd or its authorised agents. Digico UK Ltd cannot
accept any liability whatsoever for any loss or damage caused by service, maintenance, or repair by unauthorised personnel.

Software License Notice

Your license agreement with Digico UK Ltd, which is included with the SD product, specifies the permitted and prohibited uses of
the product. Any unauthorised duplication or use of Digico UK Ltd software, in whole or in part, in print or in any other storage
and retrieval system is prohibited.

Licenses and Trademarks

The SD logo and SD name are trademarks, and Digico UK Ltd and the Digico UK Ltd logo are registered trademarks of Digico UK
Ltd. Microsoft is a registered trademark and Windows is a trademark of Microsoft Corp.

Digico (UK) Ltd
Unit 10
Silverglade Business Park
Leatherhead Road

+44 (0)1372 845600


+44 (0)1372 845656


[email protected]


Manual Issue and Date: Issue A - 7th April 2014 - For Version 5.0.680+ Software

Licence Agreement


SD software product produced by Digico UK Ltd intended for use on Target Platform identified below.

"Target Platform":

Digico SD Digital Console systems.

In return for the payment of the one-time fee, the Customer (identified at the end of this Agreement) receives from Digico UK
Ltd a licence to use the Product subject to the following terms and conditions.


The Product may be used without time limit by the Customer on the Target Platform.


The Customer must register the Product with Digico UK Ltd. Registering the Product is deemed an acceptance of the terms and
conditions in this agreement.


The Product and its licence are not transferable, and the Customer is not permitted to onward-license to any third party. The
Customer indemnifies Digico UK Ltd against any and all claims and actions arising from third party use of copies of the Product
made by the Customer.


The Customer agrees not to attempt to decompile the object code of the Product otherwise than in circumstances specifically
provided for by law, and then only after consultation with Digico UK Ltd.


The Customer agrees not to use, or licence the Product for use, with equipment other than the Target Platform.


The Customer agrees not to modify the Product without the prior written consent of Digico UK Ltd.


This Agreement applies to any enhancement or upgrades that may become available for the Product.


This Agreement does not transfer any right, title, or interest in the Product to Customer except as specifically set forth herein.


Digico UK Ltd reserves the right to terminate this Agreement upon breach, in which event Customer shall thereafter only be
authorised to use the Product to the extent that its contractual commitments to third parties require and then only where such
commitments relate to use of the Product as authorised in the foregoing provisions of the Agreement.

LIMITED WARRANTY - Digico UK Ltd warrants for a period of 1 year from the date of purchase of the Product, the Product will
reasonably execute its programming instructions when properly installed on the Target Platform. In the event that this Product
fails to execute its programming instructions during the warranty period, the Customer's remedy shall be to return the Product to
Digico UK Ltd for replacement or repair at Digico UK Ltd option. Digico UK Ltd makes no other express warranty, whether written
or oral with respect of this Product.
LIMITATION OF LIABILITY - Except as otherwise expressly provided by law, (a) the remedies provided above are the Custom-
er's sole and exclusive remedies and (b) Digico UK Ltd shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequen-
tial damages (including lost profit whether based on warranty, contract, tort, or any other legal theory.)
This agreement is made under the Laws of England.

LICENCE NO: .................... ..........................................................

REGISTRATION DATE: ..... ..........................................................