9 move faders (sd5/sd7), 10 copy bank from, 11 copy bank to – DiGiCo SD Series User Manual

Page 32: 12 clear bank, 13 create multi, 8 multi channels, Clear bank, Copy bank from, Copy bank to, Create multi

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Chapter 1 - Channel Types


1.7.9 Move Faders (SD5/SD7) ........................................................

To move channels within a channel strip, enter MOVEFADERS mode. The LCD buttons will turn dark green and their lower halves
will read MOVE>>. Pressing any LCD button will result in that channel moving one space to the right. If the bank is full all channels
to the right of the moved channel will move right, and any channel which had been occupying channel-strip 12 will be lost from the
layout. If there is a blank channel strip anywhere to the right of the moved channel, any channels further right than the blank will
not move, and the moved channels will simply fill the blank space.

For example, if the bank is occupied by input channels 1 to 12, pressing MOVE>> on channel 6 will result in channels 6 to 11
moving one space to the right, leaving a space in channel strip 6, and channel 12 being removed from the layout. Pressing
MOVE>> on channel 4 will then result in channels 4 and 5 moving one space to the right, filling the space that was in channel strip
6 and leaving a space in channel strip 4.
When blank channels are moved they simply swap positions with the channel to their right. Note that any blank channels immedi-
ately to the right of the one being moved will move as well, and the blanks will move by as many channel strips as there are blank
spaces being moved.
For example, if channel strips 1 to 3 are blank and Input channels 1 to 9 are occupying strips 4 to 12, pressing MOVE>> on
channel strip 2 will result in blanks 2 and 3 swapping places with Input channels 1 and 2.

1.7.10 Copy Bank From .................................................................

To copy a different bank of channels to the current bank location, press COPYBNKFROM. The message ‘PRESS | A BANK |
’ will be shown across the LCD displays. Simply press the bank button for the bank which you
want to copy to the current location.

1.7.11 Copy Bank To ......................................................................

To copy the current bank to different bank location, press COPYBNKTO. The message ‘PRESS | A BANK | BUTTON | FOR |
’ will be shown across the LCD displays. Simply press the bank button for the bank to which you want to copy.

1.7.12 Clear Bank ...........................................................................

To clear all channels from a bank, press CLEARBANK. ‘The message ‘CONFIR| CLEAR| BANK:| YES| NO’ will be shown across
the LCD displays. Press NO to cancel the action or YES to continue.

Note - Banks can be moved between layers, and also between sections of the console.

Note also that the Fader Banks display on the master screen can also be used for altering the bank layout.

Note also that there is no undo function for these actions. Proceed with care!

1.7.13 Create Multi .........................................................................

The final LCD function, CREATE MULTI, is used to place new Multi channels onto the surface. When active, the LCD function
buttons of any assigned faders will remain in their SOLO mode, whereas all unassigned faders will be available for creating new
Multis. Once created, Multis can be configured in the normal way, as described below.

1.8 Multi Channels

If you are working in Surround, or using another multi-channel format, you can create LCR, LCRS and 5.1 busses in the Session
Structure window described in Section 1.5.1.
Multi-channel inputs are controlled by routing each component through a mono channel and then linking those channels via a 'Multi'
channel. To start with, use the normal input and output routing procedures to route each component through a channel. There are
then two options for creating a Multi channel: If you want to create the Multi in place of the channel strip for its first component,
open the Setup display for the first component and select Multi at the top. Alternatively, if you want to create a Multi in a
previously unassigned location, use the CREATE MULTI LCD function described above.

Whichever procedure you use to create the Multi and assign it to a fader, you will now be presented with a Setup Multi Chan-
display. Select the format – LCR, LCRS, 5.1 or multi-input (which allows you up to 11 components) – and then press the
LCD buttons for the remaining component channels, working down the displayed list in order. Channel names will appear against
each component. Channels can then be left on the worksurface or removed using the buttons towards the base of the display.
Finally, touch OK to close the display to link the channels together.

Create Multi and
assign fader

Select multi-
channel format

Select channels,
press OK