HP 3PAR Operating System Software User Manual
Page 327

The space on a virtual volume that is used to track changes to the data since a snapshot of a
virtual volume was created.
snapshot data
Data written to the base volume's snapshot data space to record changes to the base volume
after the first virtual copy of that volume was created.
snapshot data
The space on a virtual volume that holds the data that has been changed since the first virtual
copy was created.
solid state drive
A data storage device that uses solid-state memory to store persistent data.
source system
See primary system.
source volume
The virtual volume from which a copy is made.
spare, spare
A chunklet that is reserved for use in case of a failure in the system. A certain number of chunklets
are reserved for use as spares during the system setup and installation process. However, the
system may temporarily set aside additional spares even though these chunklets are not
permanently designated for use as spares.
See solid state drive.
stale snapshot
A snapshot that does not track the most recent changes to its base volume. The No Stale Snapshots
virtual copy policy halts writing data to the base volume so as to prevent loss of sync between
the volume and any snapshots. See also virtual copy policy and no stale snapshots.
step size
The number of contiguous bytes that the system accesses before moving to the next chunklet.
system manager
Software component that negotiates between the storage system and the user interfaces such as
the InForm Management Console and InForm CLI.
target mode
The firmware setting for a port that is connected to a host.
target, target port
The port that is connected to and receives commands from a host computer. Also known as a
host port.
See VLUN template.
thin provisioning
See HP 3PAR Thin Provisioning.
Thinly Provisioned
Virtual Volume
A virtual volume that maps to logical disk space associated with a common provisioning group
(CPG) and is therefore capable of growing on demand.
See Thinly Provisioned Virtual Volume.
When using the InForm Management Console, a property that has been included in a template
but does not have a defined value. When applying the template, the system will either use the
default value (when applicable) or calculate the optimized setting for you.
user data
For standard base volumes, the data that is written to the user space.
user size
The amount of user space in a virtual volume, or the size of the volume as presented to the host.
user space
The space on a virtual volume that represents the size of the virtual volume as presented to the
host. For standard base volumes, the user space holds all user data. For thinly provisioned virtual
volumes, no storage is actually allocated to user space, so the user space represents the volume's
virtual size. See also virtual size.
virtual copy
A snapshot, or copy-in-time, of another volume (a base volume or another virtual copy) created
using copy-on-write techniques.
virtual copy
consistency group
A group of snapshots created from multiple virtual volumes at the same time in order to ensure
virtual size
The size that the volume presents to the host. For standard base volumes, the virtual size is equal
to the user space. For thinly provisioned virtual volumes, no storage is actually allocated to user
space, so the virtual size is determined by whatever value is assigned to the user space. See also
user space.
virtual volume
A virtual storage unit created by mapping data from one or more logical disks. See also logical
disk, mapping.
A pairing between a virtual volume and a Logical Unit Number (LUN), expressed as either a
VLUN template or an active VLUN.