HP Hitachi Dynamic Link Manager Software User Manual

Page 302

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6. Command Reference


11 or more characters in the product ID, the 8th and following characters are

abbreviated to ellipses (



The sub-parameters (following



) are:


Use this parameter to display the model ID of the storage system in the

product ID element of the


field. When this parameter is omitted,

the command displays the product ID or emulation type of the storage system

For details about the information about product IDs, see

Table 6-14: Product ID Displayed by the View -Path Operation.

-srt {lu|cp}

Use this parameter to sort the path information in ascending order, according

to the specified sorting key.
The sorting keys are as follows: the first sorting key is the name of the

storage system (


), the second sorting key is the value specified by



parameter, and the third sorting key is AutoPATH_ID.

The available parameter values to specify the second sorting key are:


: LU number of the storage system


: Port number of the CHA

When the


parameter is omitted, the path information is listed in

ascending order of AutoPATH_IDs.


Omits the title for each information item.


The following example shows how to display a summary of the path

information in order of iLUs.