HP Hitachi Dynamic Link Manager Software User Manual
Page 193

3. Creating an HDLM Environment
# shutdown -F
10. Configure the host and storage system so that only a single path connects the host
to the storage system (single-path configuration).
11. Start the host.
12. Execute the following command to unmount the file system used by HDLM:
# umount
13. Execute the following command to inactivate volume groups other than
# varyoffvg
14. Execute the following command to remove the hdisks recognized as HDLM
management-target devices from the running kernel, and then stop the HDLM
# /usr/DynamicLinkManager/bin/dlmrmdev
message appears.
If the
message is not displayed, the HDLM driver has not been
deleted, or the HDLM manager has not stopped. Make sure that no process,
service, file system, or volume group is using the HDLM management-target
path, and then re-execute the above command.
15. Execute the following command to make sure that the hdisk recognized as the
device to be managed by HDLM has been deleted:
# lsdev -Cc disk
16. Execute the HDLM pre-uninstall utility
# /usr/DynamicLinkManager/bin/dlmpreuninst
If you execute the
utility, the hdisk recognized as a boot disk
stops being the HDLM's management target. When the command terminates
normally, the following message appears:
KAPL13103-I HDLM can be uninstalled after rebooting the host.
KAPL13101-I The dlmpreuninst utility completed successfully.