HP P6000 Continuous Access Software User Manual
Hp p6000 replication solutions manager, User guide

HP P6000 Replication Solutions Manager
User Guide
This document describes how to use HP P6000 Replication Solutions Manager (the replication manager).
It is intended for operators and administrators of storage area networks (SANs) that include HP storage arrays. It is helpful to
have previous experience with SANs, LANs, and operation systems including Windows.
General references to HP P6000 Replication Solutions Manager may also refer to earlier versions of HP
Replication Solutions Manager EVA.
HP Part Number: T3680-96089
Published: October 2012
Edition: 11
This manual is related to the following products:
Table of contents
Document Outline
- HP P6000 Replication Solutions Manager
- Contents
- 1 HP P6000 Replication Solutions Manager
- Prerequisites
- Compatibility
- Logging in to the GUI
- New support
- New GUI features
- New job features
- New job templates
- New and updated job commands
- New and updated CLUI features
- Overview
- Configuration
- Accessing the configuration window
- CLUI ports configuration
- HP P6000 Replication Solutions Manager database configuration
- RSM database cleanup
- Internet protocol configurations
- Jobs email server configuration
- Jobs run history configuration
- Licenses configuration (applications)
- Logs configuration
- Security credentials configuration
- Simulation mode
- Single sign-on with HP P6000 Command View
- Array management server configuration
- Host volume
- User preferences configuration
- RSM database
- Troubleshooting
- Troubleshooting—General
- Browser window is blank
- Database file name extension is missing
- Documents are not visible when selected
- Enabling failsafe on unavailable member in a managed set fails
- Illegal characters
- Invalid DR group pair—Source and source
- Invalid DR group settings—Failsafe on unavailable member with synchronous replication
- Job instance fails with get error lock message
- Job interacts with wrong array
- Job with host volume remount fails after an unclean unmount
- Logical volumes and volume groups in job commands
- Low-level refresh returns an error
- Maximum DR group log size error
- Monitor job window has no details
- Pop-up windows are not visible
- Resource is not selectable
- Scheduled job events do not run
- Scheduled job event run times are wrong (AM/PM)
- Second snapclone of the same storage volume or host volume fails
- Slow login times
- Unable to resume a DR group
- Troubleshooting–HP-UX
- Troubleshooting–Linux
- Troubleshooting–Tru64 UNIX
- Troubleshooting—General
- 2 Replication resources
- Working with resources
- Best practices for automatic refresh
- Copying properties
- Copying properties - tips
- Filtering displayed resources
- Global refresh monitor
- Organizing displayed resources
- Refreshing display panes
- Refreshing resources (automatic)
- Refreshing resources (global)
- Refreshing individual resources
- Selection of multiple resources
- Simulation mode
- Resource concepts
- Topology views
- Working with resources
- 3 DR groups
- Working with DR groups
- About DR group resources
- DR group actions summary
- DR group actions cross reference
- DR group properties summary
- DR group views
- Adding DR groups to a managed set
- Adding virtual disks to a DR group pair
- Creating a DR group pair
- Deleting a DR group pair
- Editing DR group properties
- Enabling failsafe on unavailable member for a DR group pair
- Disabling the failsafe on unavailable member
- Failing over a DR group pair
- Forcing a full copy
- Launching the device manager
- Listing individual resource events
- Low-level refreshing DR groups
- Removing DR groups from a managed set
- Removing virtual disks from a DR group pair
- Resuming a DR group pair
- Reverting a DR group pair to home
- Suspending a DR group pair
- Using DR groups
- Viewing DR groups
- Viewing DR group properties
- DR group concepts
- DR group pairs (source and destination)
- Auto suspend on link-down
- Auto suspend on full copy
- Cascaded replication
- Copy state
- Destination access mode
- DR group states and icons
- Failover
- Failsafe on link-down/power-up
- Failsafe on unavailable member
- Failsafe states
- Full copy mode
- Home
- I/O throttling
- Job command processing
- Logs
- Log disk and states
- Low-level refresh
- Managed sets of DR groups
- Normalization
- Operational state - blocked
- Remote replication guidelines
- Suspend on failover
- Suspension state
- Write mode (async/sync replication)
- Write mode transitions
- Working with DR groups
- 4 Enabled hosts
- Working with enabled hosts
- About enabled host resources
- Enabled Hosts actions summary
- Enabled hosts actions cross reference
- Enabled hosts properties summary
- Enabled hosts views
- Adding enabled hosts
- Adding VM servers
- Adding enabled hosts to a managed set
- Changing enabled host OS type
- Deleting enabled hosts
- Deleting VM servers
- Executing a host script, command or batch file
- Low-level refreshing enabled hosts
- Low-level refreshing VM servers
- Removing enabled hosts from a managed set
- Setting security credentials for enabled hosts
- Setting security credentials for VM servers
- Viewing enabled hosts
- Viewing enabled host properties
- Viewing VM server properties
- VM server actions summary
- VM server actions cross reference
- VM server properties summary
- Enabled host concepts
- Working with enabled hosts
- 5 Host volumes
- Working with host volumes
- About host volume resources
- Host volume actions summary
- Host volume actions cross reference
- Host volume properties summary
- Host volume views
- Adding host volumes to a managed set
- Cancelling (removing) replicas from round robin rotation
- Creating a DR group pair (from host volume)
- Creating a managed set for a host disk device container
- Creating a managed set of containers for host volumes
- Creating a managed set of containers for host volume groups
- Creating host volumes
- Creating local replicas
- Creating round-robin replicas
- Deleting replicas
- Deleting host volumes, host volume groups, and host disk devices
- Editing replica properties
- Flushing the file system cache of host volumes and host volume groups
- Viewing a host volume capacity utilization report
- Enabling host volume capacity utilization analysis
- Disabling host volume capacity utilization analysis
- Mounting host volumes (assigning a drive letter)
- Removing host volumes from a managed set
- Restoring host volumes (Instant Restore)
- Unmounting host volumes (removing a drive letter)
- Using snapclones
- Using snapshots
- Using logical volumes and volume groups
- Using raw disks
- Viewing host volume resources
- Viewing host volume resource properties
- Extending host volume capacity
- Shrinking host volume capacity
- Setting a dynamic capacity policy
- Editing a dynamic capacity policy
- Removing a dynamic capacity policy
- Disabling a dynamic capacity policy for multiple host volumes
- Enabling a dynamic capacity policy for multiple host volumes
- Host volume concepts
- Host volumes overview
- Host volumes FAQ
- Disk Devices
- File system types
- Instant Restore
- Logical volumes and volume groups
- Mounting all logical volumes in a replicated volume group
- Mount points (drive letters) and device names
- Partitions and slices
- Raw disks
- Local replication wizard
- Replica repository
- Round robin replicas (wizard)
- Snapclones (host volume)
- Snapshots (host volume)
- Snapshot FAQ
- Snapshot types (allocation policy)
- Types (components)
- Dynamic capacity management
- Dynamic capacity management overview
- DC-Management operation
- Methods for resizing a host volume file system and virtual disk
- DC-Management support
- Selecting the proper dynamic capacity policy thresholds
- Using DC-Management with replication
- DC-Management FAQ
- DC-Management best practices
- DC-Management examples
- Working with host volumes
- 6 Jobs
- Working with jobs
- About jobs
- Job actions summary
- Job Planning - Tru64 UNIX
- Job actions cross reference
- Job properties summary
- Job views
- Aborting job instances
- Continuing job instances
- Copying jobs
- Creating jobs
- Deleting jobs
- Deleting job instances
- Developing jobs
- Editing jobs
- Exporting jobs
- Job editing tips and shortcuts
- Editing individual commands (tasks)
- Generating job templates
- Importing jobs
- Importing legacy jobs
- Logical volumes and volume groups in job commands
- Monitoring and managing job instances
- Pausing job instances
- Resource is not selectable
- Scheduled job events do not run
- Running jobs
- Selecting values for arguments
- Scheduling job events
- Validating jobs
- Viewing job status
- Viewing jobs and job instances
- Viewing job properties
- Job concepts
- Job language overview
- Jobs, templates, and commands
- Job instances
- Aborted job instances
- Arguments
- Argument lists
- Assignments (variables)
- Branches
- Commands
- Command result values
- Comments
- E-mail from jobs
- Exits
- Implicit jobs
- Implicit job startup
- Imported jobs
- Job commands list
- Job templates list
- Labels
- Pause and continue
- Resource names and UNC formats
- Status and states
- Transactions
- Validation
- Wait/nowait argument
- Job templates
- Empty template
- Fracture host volumes, mount to a host (template)
- Instant restore storage volumes to other storage volumes (template)
- Mount existing storage volumes (template)
- Perform cascaded replication (template)
- Perform planned failover (template)
- Perform unplanned failover (template)
- Replicate (via snapclone) a host volume multiple times, mount to a host (template)
- Replicate host disk devices, mount to a host (template)
- Replicate host volume group, mount components to a host (template)
- Replicate host volume group, mount entire group to a host (template)
- Replicate host volumes (template)
- Replicate host volumes, mount to a host (template)
- Replicate host volumes, mount to a host, then to a different host (template)
- Replicate host volumes via preallocated replication, mount to a host (template)
- Replicate host volume, mount components to a host (template)
- Replicate raw storage volumes mount (raw) to a host (template)
- Replicate storage volumes (template)
- Replicate storage volumes via preallocated replication (template)
- Setup Continuous Access (remote replication template)
- Throttle replication I/O (remote replication template)
- Unmount and delete existing host volumes (template)
- Unmount existing host volumes (template)
- Working with jobs
- 7 Managed sets
- Working with managed sets
- About managed sets
- Managed set actions summary
- Managed set actions cross reference
- Managed set properties summary
- Managed set views
- Adding resources to a managed set
- Creating managed sets
- Deleting managed sets
- Renaming managed sets
- Removing resources from managed sets
- Viewing managed sets
- Viewing managed set properties
- Managed sets concepts
- Working with managed sets
- 8 Storage systems
- Working with storage systems
- About storage system resources
- Storage system actions summary
- Storage system actions cross reference
- Storage system properties summary
- Storage system views
- Adding storage systems to a managed set
- Checking and printing storage system licenses
- Launching the device manager
- Listing individual resource events
- Removing storage systems from a managed set
- Setting Remote Replication Port Preferences
- Setting DR Protocol Type
- Viewing storage systems
- Viewing storage system properties
- Storage system concepts
- Working with storage systems
- 9 Virtual disks
- Working with virtual disks
- About virtual disk resources
- Virtual disk actions summary
- Virtual disk actions cross reference
- Virtual disk properties summary
- Virtual disk views
- Adding virtual disks to a managed set
- Creating containers for virtual disks
- Creating a DR group pair
- Creating mirrorclones
- Creating snapclones (preallocated)
- Creating snapclones (standard)
- Creating snapshots (preallocated)
- Creating snapshots (standard)
- Migrating a virtual disk
- Creating virtual disks
- Deleting virtual disks
- Detaching mirrorclones
- Editing virtual disk properties
- Fracturing mirrorclones
- Launching the device manager
- Listing individual resource events
- Restoring virtual disks (Instant Restore)
- Low-level refreshing virtual disks
- Presenting virtual disks
- Removing virtual disks from a managed set
- Removing virtual disks from a DR group pair
- Restoring virtual disks (Instant Restore)
- Resynchronizing mirrorclones
- Migrating a mirrorclone
- Unpresenting virtual disks
- Viewing virtual disks
- Viewing virtual disk properties
- Virtual disk concepts
- Virtual disks overview
- Controller software features
- Controller software features - local replication
- Controller software features - remote replication
- Cache policies
- Containers
- Container guidelines
- Cross Vraid replication
- Cross Vraid FAQ
- Disk groups
- Cross Vraid guidelines
- Instant restore overview (virtual disks)
- Instant restore from mirrorclones
- Instant restore from snapclones
- Instant restore from snapshots
- Instant restore
- Low-level refresh of virtual disks
- Mirrorclones - fractured
- Mirrorclones - synchronized
- Mirrorclone FAQ
- Mirrorclone guidelines
- Mirrorclone states
- Normalization
- Preferred controller
- Presentation (to host)
- Remote replication guidelines
- Redundancy (Vraid) levels
- Snapclones
- Snapclone FAQ
- Snapclone guidelines
- Snapshots
- Snapshot FAQ
- Snapshot guidelines
- Snapshots per virtual disk
- Snapshot types (allocation policy)
- Thin provisioning
- Tru64 UNIX host volumes
- Types
- Virtual disk guidelines
- Working with virtual disks
- 10 Events
- 11 CLUI
- 12 Support and other resources
- Glossary
- Index