Slow login times, Unable to resume a dr group, Troubleshooting–hp-ux – HP P6000 Continuous Access Software User Manual

Page 38: Host agent discovery hangs and times out–hp-ux, Job with createhostvolume command fails–hp-ux, Slow login times unable to resume a dr group

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Slow login times


After entering a user name and password to log in to the replication manager server, there is no
response for 30 seconds or more.

Explanation / resolution

In some cases, a slow login response can occur. This does not indicate that the server application
has stopped.

Unable to resume a DR group


When attempting to resume a DR group, the replication manager logs the message:

Unable to resume DR group <GroupName> because of current state of group

for job <JobName>

Explanation / resolution

You cannot use the replication manager to resume remote replication if the status of a DR group
pair is failed.

In some cases, the replication manager temporarily reports the status as failed, even though the
actual status is normal (as reported by HP P6000 Command View). This can happen because the
status of a DR group pair is updated in the replication manager only when an automatic refresh
occurs or you manually perform a refresh.

To resolve this issue and resume the DR group as quickly as possible:


In the replication manager DR Groups List tab or Tree tab, verify the operational status of the
DR group.


If the status is failed (red), use HP P6000 Command View to verify the status of the DR group
(see HP P6000 Command View online help).


In HP P6000 Command View, if the status is normal, issue a resume command to resume
the DR group.


After the DR group is resumed, manually refresh it. See

Low-level refreshing DR groups


You can again use the replication manager to resume/suspend the DR group.


Host agent discovery hangs and times out–HP-UX


If a device on an HP-UX enabled host is in a failed state, the discovery of host volumes on that host
can hang and cause the discovery to time out.

Explanation / resolution

This issue is caused by HP-UX and can happen on Versions 11.23 and 11.31.

To resolve this issue:


On the enabled host, remove or correct the failed devices.


Allow sufficient time for a discovery of enabled hosts to occur. See

Automatic refresh of




Verify that the discovery was completed.

Job with CreateHostVolume command fails–HP-UX



HP P6000 Replication Solutions Manager