4-3 creating an ldev, Creating an ldev, Figure 10-34 unallocating storage – confirmation – HP XP Command View Advanced Edition Software User Manual
Page 183
Performing Storage Subsystem Operations 183
Figure 10-34
Unallocating Storage – Confirmation
Figure 10-35
Unallocating Storage – Delete LUSE or Keep LUSE
10-4-3 Creating an LDEV
The system administrator and storage administrator can create an LDEV on an array group. Guests, local
system administrators, local storage administrators, and local guests cannot create an LDEV.
When you create an LDEV, you select an existing array group with free space and specify the desired LDEV
parameters: device size and emulation type for XP1024/XP128 and XP512/XP48. Device Manager
automatically adds the new LDEV to the Open-Unallocated group for the storage subsystem (in All Storage or
My Storage). Logical devices created using Web Client are formatted when they are created.
While the restore processing of a StorageWorks XP512/XP48 storage subsystem is underway
using RAID Manager, logical device creation on that StorageWorks XP512/XP48 will result in an error.
Logical device creation must not be executed while restore processing is underway using RAID Manager.
For the XP1024/XP128 and XP512/XP48 subsystems, you can create an LDEV that is a
standard LU, or you can create a custom-size LDEV that is smaller than the standard LU (minimum capacity
36 MB).
Table 10-2
lists the maximum capacities for the standard LU types on the XP1024/XP128 and
XP512/XP48 storage subsystems.
LUSE devices, which are larger than standard LU types, are created from existing unallocated
LDEVs (see section