3 port operations, Port operations, Table 10-1 available al-pa values – HP XP Command View Advanced Edition Software User Manual
Page 169
Performing Storage Subsystem Operations 169
10-3 Port Operations
Device Manager port operations include:
Configuring the ports (StorageWorks XP1024/XP128 and XP512/XP48) (see section
Managing LUN groups (XP512/XP48 only) (see section
Managing WWN groups (XP512/XP48 only) (see section
Configuring the fibre-channel adapters (XP1024/XP128 and XP512/XP48) (see section
For the iSCSI ports (StorageWorks XP1024/XP128), and mainframe ports (StorageWorks
XP1024/XP128 or StorageWorks XP512/XP48), you can reference the port configuration but you cannot
change it.
To perform an operation on a port for StorageWorks XP12000/XP10000, use the physical view for
StorageWorks XP12000/XP10000 (see section
10-3-1 Configuring Ports (StorageWorks XP1024/XP128 and XP512/XP48)
The system administrator and storage administrator can configure the fibre-channel ports on the StorageWorks
XP1024/XP128 Series and StorageWorks XP512/XP48 storage subsystems. Guests, local system
administrators, local storage administrators, and local guests cannot configure ports.
Table 10-1
lists available arbitrated loop-port address (AL-PA) values ranging from 01 to EF.
Table 10-1
Available AL-PA Values
EF CD B2 98 72 55 3A 25
E8 CC B1 97 71 54 39 23
E4 CB AE 90 6E 53 36 1F
E2 CA AD 8F 6D 52 35 1E
E1 C9 AC 88 6C 51 34 1D
E0 C7 AB 84 6B 4E 33 1B
DC C6 AA 82 6A 4D 32 18
DA C5 A9 81 69 4C 31 17
D9 C3 A7 80 67 4B 2E 10
D6 BC A6 7C 66 4A 2D 0F
D5 BA A5 7A 65 49 2C 08
D4 B9 A3 79 63 47 2B 04
D3 B6 9F 76 5C 46 2A 02
D2 B5 9E 75 5A 45 29 01
D1 B4 9D 74 59 43 27
CE B3 9B 73 56 3C 26
To configure the ports:
Log in to Device Manager as a system administrator or storage administrator.
Select the Subsystems object in the navigation frame, select the desired storage subsystem, and then
select the Physical View button.
In the physical view, select the desired port to open the Port Information panel (see
Figure 10-21
For StorageWorks XP1024/XP128, the following ports are not displayed in the physical view:
CL1-S, CL1-T, CL1-U, CL1-V, CL1-W, CL1-X, CL1-Y, CL1-Z, CL2-S, CL2-T, CL2-U, CL2-V, CL2-W,
CL2-X, CL2-Y, CL2-Z.
On the Port Information panel, change the port settings as desired. For details on the port information and
settings for each storage subsystem, see the descriptions below.