Electro Cam PL-1746 Series User Manual
Page 118

8-5 Utility & Example Ladder Programs
“Write” Setpoints from PLC Program to PL-1746
To ‘Write’ setpoints from the PLC program to the PL-1746, perform the following steps:
1. Ensure keyswitch is in the ‘PROG’ state on your SLC CPU.
2. Download C01 & C04 Pulses.rss PLC program into your SLC CPU.
3. Set B3/15 to ‘1’ (WRITE).
4. Turn the SLC CPU keyswitch to ‘RUN’.
5. Toggle B3/2 high (set to 1).
Once this has been accomplished, all setpoint information stored in the Data Files N10-SETPOINT1 through
N24-SETPOINT15 will be transferred from the PLC program to the setpoint memory in the PL-1746.
Zero All Setpoints
If you would like to zero all setpoints that are in the controller, you must go to the Data Files, enter all zeroes into
the Setpoint ‘ON’ and ‘OFF ’ values, then write these values back into the controller. Refer to the Data File shown
above. In order to write a zero to that setpoint, the Channel Number must remain in the Data File. Only the ‘ON’
setpoint and the ‘OFF’ setpoint must be set to zero.
C01 & C04 Pulses.rss: Setpoint Reading, Restoration, and Storage Program