C01 & c04 configuration.rss – Electro Cam PL-1746 Series User Manual
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8-2 Utility & Example Ladder Programs
Included with these instructions you will need the RS Logix 500* PLC program C01 & C04 Configuration.rss. This pro-
gram provides a way to read controller configuration from the PL-1746, as well as a configuration storage medium, to use
the same configuration for more than one controller. This program is intended for use with RS Logix 500 software, PL-
1746 PL
S Plug-In Module, and SLC CPU 5/03 or higher. No input or output cards are necessary for this program to run
properly. The only requirement is that the SLC CPU is in Slot 0 and the PL-1746 is in Slot 1 (You must change all address
if module is in another slot).
Prior to downloading and running the program, it must be configured for your setup the same way as described in the
C01 & C04 Example.rss PLC program initialization. Once the program has been configured and downloaded, use these
instructions to assist in setpoint reading and storage. The CDM shown below is the operational interface for setpoint
reading and restoration. This program is intended to be used in conjunction with the PLC program C01 & C04 Pulses.rss
to read all information from the controller.
*RS Logix 500 and RS Linx are registered trademarks of Rockwell Software, Inc.
“Read” Configuration from PL-1746 to PLC PROGRAM
To ensure that the configuration information contained in your PL-1746 is not accidentally erased, follow these steps to
‘Read’ configuration information from the PL1746. The Custom Data Monitor ‘(M0)STORE’ can be thought of as an
operational interface between the PL-1746 and your computer, All data files necessary for program operation are avail-
able through this CDM.
1. Ensure Key is in the ‘PROG’ state on your SLC CPU.
2. Set Bit S:2/3 to ‘Yes’ [otherwise an error will occur]
3. Download C01 & C04 Configuration.rss program into you SLC CPU.
4. Set B3/15 to ‘0’ (READ)
5. Turn the SLC CPU keyswitch to ‘RUN’.
6. Toggle B3/2 high (set to 1).
Once all of the configuration information has been downloaded from the SLC CPU, B3/2 will toggle back to ‘0’. To save
this information, go to the upper left corner and click ‘File’, ‘Save as’- give the configuration information a name that you
choose. Now the configuration can be viewed in the Data Files N10-(M0-1), N11-(M0-2) and N13-(M0-3).
C01 & C04 Configuration.rss