Electro Cam PL-1746 Series User Manual
Page 105

6-8 Groups & Modes
Mode 5 - One Cycle Enable with Level-Triggered Input and First Cycle Enable
Mode 5 Programming
1. Use OUTPUT GROUPS to establish groups and modes.
2. Use GROUP OFFSET to program the absolute offset value for any groups operat-
ing in mode 5.
3. Jog the machine to the point where the group input terminal will energize. Program
a pulse in the group channel that will be on during any portion of the input terminal
signal. The smaller the overlap between the input signal and the group channel
pulse, the narrower the portion of the machine cycle in which the input signal will
enable the outputs.
4. Using the start of the overlap from Step 3 as a reference point, program pulses into
the group’s output channels. Don’t overlap the pulses with the group channel pulse
programmed in Step 3.