Planet Technology WGSW-48040 User Manual
User's manual
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Table of contents
Document Outline
- 4. Web Configuration
- 5.1 Connect to PC’s RS-232 serial port
- 5.2 Using the CLI
- 5.3 AAA Commands
- 5.4 Address Table Commands
- 5.4.1 bridge address
- 5.4.2 bridge multicast filtering
- 5.4.3 bridge multicast address
- 5.4.4 bridge multicast forbidden address
- 3.4.5 bridge multicast forward-unregistered
- 5.4.6 bridge multicast forbidden forward-unregistered
- 5.4.7 bridge multicast forward-all
- 5.4.8 bridge multicast forbidden forward-all
- 5.4.9 bridge aging-time
- 5.4.10 clear bridge
- 5.4.11 port security
- 5.4.12 port security routed secure-address
- 5.4.13 show bridge address-table
- 5.4.14 show bridge address-table static
- 5.4.15 show bridge address-table count
- 5.4.16 show bridge multicast address-table
- 5.4.17 show bridge multicast filtering
- 5.4.18 show ports security
- 5.5 Clock Commands
- 5.5.1 clock set
- 5.5.2 clock source
- 5.5.3 clock timezone
- 5.5.4 clock summer-time
- 5.5.5 sntp authentication-key
- 5.5.6 sntp authenticate
- 5.5.7 sntp trusted-key
- 5.5.8 sntp client poll timer
- 5.5.9 sntp broadcast client enable
- 5.5.10 sntp anycast client enable
- 5.5.11 sntp client enable (interface)
- 5.5.12 sntp unicast client enable
- 5.5.13 sntp unicast client poll
- 5.5.14 sntp server
- 5.5.15 show clock
- 5.5.16 show sntp configuration
- 5.5.17 show sntp status
- 5.6 Configuration and Image Files
- 5.7 Ethernet Configuration Commands
- 5.7.1 interface ethernet
- 5.7.2 interface range ethernet
- 5.7.3 shutdown
- 5.7.4 description
- 5.7.5 speed
- 5.7.6 duplex
- 5.7.7 negotiation
- 5.7.8 flowcontrol
- 5.7.9 mdix
- 5.7.10 back-pressure
- 5.7.11 port jumbo-frame
- 5.7.12 clear counters
- 5.7.13 set interface active
- 5.7.14 show interfaces configuration
- 5.7.15 show interfaces status
- 5.7.16 show interfaces description
- 5.7.17 show interfaces counters
- 5.7.18 show ports jumbo-frame
- 5.7.19 port storm-control broadcast enable
- 5.7.20 port storm-control broadcast rate
- 5.7.21 show ports storm-control
- 5.8 GVRP Commands
- 5.9 IGMP Snooping Commands
- 5.9.1 ip igmp snooping (Global)
- 5.9.2 ip igmp snooping (Interface)
- 5.9.3 ip igmp snooping mrouter
- 5.9.4 ip igmp snooping host-time-out
- 5.9.5 ip igmp snooping mrouter-time-out
- 5.9.6 ip igmp snooping leave-time-out
- 5.9.7 show ip igmp snooping mrouter
- 5.9.8 show ip igmp snooping interface
- 5.9.9 show ip igmp snooping groups
- 5.10 IP Addressing Commands
- 5.11 LACP Commands
- 5.12 Line Commands
- 5.13 Management ACL Commands
- 5.14 PHY Diagnostics Commands
- 5.15 Port Channel Commands
- 5.16 Port Monitor Commands
- 5.17 QoS Commands
- 5.18 Radius Commands
- 5.19 RMON Commands
- 5.20 SNMP Commands
- 5.21 Spanning-Tree Commands
- 5.21.1 spanning-tree
- 5.21.2 spanning-tree mode
- 5.21.3 spanning-tree forward-time
- 5.21.4 spanning-tree hello-time
- 5.21.5 spanning-tree max-age
- 5.21.6 spanning-tree priority
- 5.21.7 spanning-tree disable
- 5.21.8 spanning-tree cost
- 5.21.9 spanning-tree port-priority
- 5.21.10 spanning-tree portfast
- 5.21.11 spanning-tree link-type
- 5.21.12 spanning-tree pathcost method
- 5.21.13 spanning-tree bpdu
- 5.21.14 clear spanning-tree detected-protocols
- 5.21.15 show spanning-tree
- 5.22 SSH and SLOGIN Commands
- 5.23 System Management
- 5.24 Syslog Commands
- 5.25 TACACS Commands
- 5.26 User Interface Commands
- 5.27 VLAN Commands
- 5.27.1 vlan database
- 5.27.2 vlan
- 5.27.3 default-vlan disable
- 5.27.4 interface vlan
- 5.27.5 interface range vlan
- 5.27.6 name
- 5.27.7 switchport mode
- 5.27.8 switchport access vlan
- 5.27.9 switchport trunk allowed vlan
- 5.27.10 switchport trunk native vlan
- 5.27.11 switchport general allowed vlan
- 5.27.12 switchport general pvid
- 5.27.13 switchport general ingress-filtering disable
- 5.27.14 switchport general acceptable-frame-type taggedonly
- 5.27.15 switchport forbidden vlan
- 5.27.16 map protocol protocols-group
- 5.27.17 switchport general map protocols-group vlan
- 5.27.18 ip internal-usage-vlan
- 5.27.19 show vlan
- 5.27.20 show vlan internal usage
- 5.27.21 show interfaces switchport
- 5.28 Web Server Commands
- 5.29 802.1x Commands
- 5.29.1 aaa authentication dot1x
- 5.29.2 dot1x system-auth-control
- 5.29.3 dot1x port-control
- 5.29.4 dot1x re-authentication
- 5.29.5 dot1x timeout re-authperiod
- 5.29.6 dot1x re-authenticate
- 5.29.7 dot1x timeout quiet-period
- 5.29.8 dot1x timeout tx-period
- 5.29.9 dot1x max-req
- 5.29.10 dot1x timeout supp-timeout
- 5.29.11 dot1x timeout server-timeout
- 5.29.12 show dot1x
- 5.29.13 show dot1x users
- 5.29.14 show dot1x statistics
- 5.29.15 dot1x auth-not-req
- 5.29.16 dot1x multiple-hosts
- 5.29.17 dot1x single-host-violation
- 5.29.18 show dot1x advanced