Sony OXF-R3 User Manual
Page 208
Chapter 6
Technical Descriptions
Chapter 6 Technical Descriptions
6-3 Central Section Panels
7 CHs -90dB Push-Button (Global function)
Selects the -90dB scale on the mono channel meters (the default is -60dB).
8 LOCK 1-48 Push-Button
Locks the 48 channel meters to channels 1- 48.
Central Stereo Meters
These functions apply to the 16 Stereo Meters, in two groups of 8, above the
centre section of the control surface. Their function depends on whether the
Main Output Bus is set for Stereo or Surround.
• Stereo Main Output
Both groups of 8 meters are used for this function, allowing 16 outputs to be
metered simultaneously.
• Surround Main Output
Just the left hand groups of 8 meters are used for this function, allowing 8
outputs to be metered simultaneously.
1 SENDs 1-8 9-16 17-24 Push-Button
If not already selected, pressing {SENDs 1-8 9-16 17-24} for the first time sets
the meters source as Sends 1-8 and 9-16 for when the Main Output is Stereo, or
1-8 if the Main Output is Surround. Further presses rotate the sequence.
2 SUPER SGs 1-8 9-16 Push-Button
If not already selected, pressing {SUPER SGs 1-8 9-16} for the first time sets the
meters source as Super SGs 1-8 and 9-16 for when the Main Output is Stereo,
or 1-8 if the Main Output is Surround. Further presses rotate the sequence for
Surround Main Output.
3 MTRs TO FADs Push-Button
Sources for the Meters are selected depending on which faders are assigned in
the SEL section of the SELECT TO FADERS panel.