At+cala set alarm time, 2 at+cala set alarm time – Siemens MC35 User Manual

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AT Command Set


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4.2 AT+CALA Set alarm time

Test command


Test command returns supported array index values , alarm types ,
and maximum length of the text to be output.


+CALA: (list of supported s), (list of supported s), (range of sup-
ported ) OK
If error is related to ME functionality:


See write command

Read command


Read command returns the list of current active alarm settings in the ME.


+CALA: If error is related to ME functionality:


See write command

Write command


The write command sets an alarm time in the ME. When the alarm is timed out
and executed the ME returns an Unsolicited Result Code (URC). The alarm call
can adopt two functions, depending on whether or not you switch the GSM en-
gine off after setting the alarm:

Reminder call: You can use the alarm function as a wake-up or reminder call.

For this purpose, set the alarm as described below and do not
switch off or power down the ME. When executed the call
comes as an Unsolicited Result Code.
Applies to MC35 and MC35 Terminal.

Alarm mode:

You can use the alarm call to restart the ME when powered
down. For this purpose, set the alarm as described below. Then
power down the ME by entering the AT^SMSO command (pg.
184). When the alarm time is reached, the ME will wake up to
Alarm mode. To prevent the ME from unintentionally logging
into the GSM network, Alarm mode provides restricted opera-
tion. Upon wake-up, the ME indicates an Unsolicited Result
Code which reads: ^SYSSTART ALARM MODE. A limited
number of AT commands is available during Alarm mode:
The ME remains deregistered from the GSM network. If you
want the ME to return to full operation (normal operating mode)
it is necessary to drive the ignition line (IGT pin of ZIF interface)
to ground. If your application is battery powered note that
charging cannot be started while ME is in Alarm mode. For de-
tails please refer to the "Hardware Interface Description" sup-
plied with your GSM engine.
Applies to MC35 module only. MC35 Terminal does not support
the Alarm mode.


If setting fails:
+CME ERROR: Refer to Chapter 9.1.1, pg. 204, for values.