Using parameters, Combining at commands on the same command line, Entering successive at commands on separate lines – Siemens MC35 User Manual

Page 12: 1 using parameters, 2 combining at commands on the same command line

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AT Command Set


Page 12 of 228


1.5.1 Using parameters

• Default parameters are underlined throughout this document.

• Optional parameters are enclosed in square brackets. If optional parameters are omitted, the cur-

rent settings are used until you change them.

• Optional parameters or subparamters can be omitted unless they are followed by other parame-

ters. If you want to omit a parameter in the middle of a string it must be replaced by a comma. Ex-
AT+CPBW=,,, writes a phonebook entry to the first free memory location.
AT+CPBW=,,, writes a phonebook entry to the memory location
specified by .

• When the parameter is a character string, e.g. or , the string must be enclosed in

quotation marks, e.g. "Charlie Brown" or "+49030xxxx". Symbols within quotation marks will be
recognized as strings.

• All spaces will be ignored when using strings without quotaton marks.

• It is possible to omit the leading zeros of strings which represent numbers.

• In case of using V.25ter commands without giving an optional parameter, its value is assumed to

be 0.

1.5.2 Combining AT commands on the same command line

You may enter several AT commands on the same line. This eliminates the need to type the "AT" or
"at" prefix before each command. Instead, it is only needed once at the beginning of the command
line. Use a semicolon as command delimiter.

The command line buffer accepts a maximum of 391 characters. If this number is exceeded none of
the commands will be executed and TA returns ERROR.

The table below lists the AT commands you cannot enter together with other commands on the same
line. Otherwise, the responses may not be in the expected order.

Table 4: Illegal combinations of AT commands

V.25ter commands


FAX commands, Prefix AT+F

GSM 7.07 commands


Siemens commands, Prefix AT^S

GSM 7.05 commands (SMS)


To be used standalone

Commands starting with AT&


To be used standalone



To be used standalone

Note: When concatenating AT commands please keep in mind that the sequence of processing may

be different from the sequential order of command input. Therefore, if the consecutive order of
the issued commands is your concern, avoid concatenating commands on the same line.

1.5.3 Entering successive AT commands on separate lines

When you enter a series of AT commands on separate lines, leave a pause between the preceding
and the following command until OK appears. This avoids sending too many AT commands at a time
without waiting for a response for each.