Yaskawa MotionSuite Series Machine Controller Software Manual User Manual

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MotionSuite™ Series Machine Controller Software Manual

Chapter 7: System Data Definition


3. Trace Timing

Select the data trace execution timing.

Program: Data trace is executed when a system function trace has been exe-

cuted within a drawing/function program.

H-SCAN :Executes data trace for each high-speed scan.
L-SCAN :Executes data trace for each low-speed scan.

4. Trace Interval

Input the data trace scan period (0 ~ 32767) when H-SCAN or L-SCAN has been
set in the Execution Timing box. For example, if 3 is input, data trace is exe-
cuted for each scan at an interval of one trace per four scans. If 0 is input, data
trace is executed at each scan input into the Execution Timing box. Inputting 0 is
the same as inputting 1. Input is not possible if Program is selected in the Execu-
tion Timing box.

5. Number of Traces

Input the maximum number of traces (0 ~ 999999). Continuous data trace
results if 0 is input. Data trace is executed until the conditions set in the Stop
Trigger Conditions box are established or the trace is manually stopped. If 1000
is input, data trace continues for 1000 data rows. Input is not possible if Program
is selected in the Execution Timing box.

6. Initiate Trigger Conditions

Input the data trace initiate conditions when H-SCAN or L-SCAN has been set in
the Execution Timing box. Manual trace start operation is necessary if these
conditions are not input. Input is not possible if Program is selected in the Exe-
cution Timing box.

7. Terminate Trigger Conditions

Input the conditions under which the data trace is to stop and the number of
traces until data trace is stopped following establishment of the stop conditions
when H-SCAN or L-SCAN has been set in the Execution Timing box. Up to two
conditions can be set. When 0 is input in the Delay box, data trace stops simulta-
neously with the establishment of the stop conditions. If stop trigger conditions
are not input, data trace is executed until the number of traces reaches the num-
ber in the Number of Traces box or the trace is manually stopped. If two stop
trigger conditions are set, data trace stops if either of these conditions is estab-
lished. Input is not possible if Program is selected in the Execution Timing box.

8. Trace Data Definition

Input the register numbers, drawing numbers, scale conversions, and comments
to be subject to the trace. Up to 16 trace data components can be set.


Input the register number to be traced. Register types that can be
input are S, O, M, and D registers. 16-bit integer data, 32-bit inte-
ger data, and bit data can be traced according to the register type.


Input the D register drawing number when the register number to