Da-38, Da-88, Da-38 da-88 – Teac DM-24 User Manual

Page 92: 11 – machine control/location—dtrs devices

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11 – Machine Control/Location—DTRS devices


TASCAM DM-24 Reference Manual


The DA-38 does not include quite so many options as
the DA-98.

Input monitoring is not possible, but track copying is
available in the same way as for the DA-98.

Since the DA-38 does not include a timecode genera-
tor, the range of options available in the



tion is more limited, being restricted only to setting
the machine offset value.

The clock sources are restricted to internal and word.


This provides the following facilities as shown on the
screen here:

Similar to the DA-38, digital input can be switched
on and off (that is, between analog and digital

The track delay time can be set individually, as well
as a global setting. Use the PODs here to make the

If an SY-88 card is fitted in the DA-88, the timecode
settings can be made in the same way as for the DA-
98 timecode.

Punch preroll time only can be set (postroll cannot be

Clock source options are restricted to internal, video
and word.