Setup screen, 7 – module operations—setup screen – Teac DM-24 User Manual

Page 57

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7 – Module operations—Setup screen

TASCAM DM-24 Reference Manual



The appropriate preference must be set for the SEL
keys to be used in this way (“ST Link by SEL key” on
page 21).

Instead of four screens shared between the two sepa-
rate aux sends, as described above, there are now
three screens for the pair, as follows:

The linked level control screen is the same as for the
mono (separate aux screens). Setup and copy facili-
ties are available in this screen for global setups.

Note the

AUX 1-2 (LINK)

title at the top of the screen,


The linked aux pan screen allows the positioning of
the pan position (or balance in the case of linked
input channels) to the pair of aux sends.

There is a master setup at the bottom left, allowing
all pan and balance settings (or a selected set) to be
made identical, as well as a bidirectional copy facil-
ity, allowing channel-to-aux, as well as aux-to-chan-
nel, pan setting copying, as described earlier.

The faders can also be used to make the aux level set-
tings, as described in “Using the faders to change
values” on page 14.

The pre-post settings (

SOURCE for 1-2

, as this includes



3-4, 5-6

) are made in the

same way as for unlinked aux sends.

Setup screen

The setup screen acts almost as a channel “patch-
bay”, allowing the configuration and readjustment of
the components that make up a module.

At the top of the screen, a block diagram of the mod-
ule’s current configuration is shown. As changes are

made, the block diagram is updated to reflect these

The above screen is the


screen for channels 1

through 16. Channels 17 through 24, and 25 through