Play mode, Auto, Deferred – Teac DM-24 User Manual

Page 85: Immediate, Cueing mode, Locate preroll, Location memories, Selecting the location point display, Auto deferred immediate, Cueing mode locate preroll

background image

11 – Machine Control/Location—Location memories

TASCAM DM-24 Reference Manual


Play Mode

This function determines the way in which the


key works in conjunction with the location facilities.
There are three settings:,










indicator flashes as the unit is

locating to a location point. When the location point
is reached, playback starts automatically. However, if


key is pressed before the location point is

reached, the unit stops locating and starts playing.


The unit stops after location is com-

pleted. However, if the


key is pressed while the

unit is locating, the


indicator flashes, and play-

back starts when the location point is reached.


Because an open MMC connection cannot determine
when the locate point has been reached, deferred play
is not possible for a machine controlled in this way.


The unit stops after location is com-

pleted. If the


key is pressed while the unit is

locating, the machine goes straight into play mode,
without locating.

Cueing Mode

“Cueing mode” here means that if the controlled
device is in play mode, and either of the fast transport
keys (forward or rewind) is pressed, the fast transport
mode is not latched and the unit is in cue mode (that
is, when the fast transport key is released, the unit
goes back into play mode). To latch the unit in the
fast transport mode, press the


key before enter-

ing fast transport mode.

A VTR controlled over the RS-422 connection which
is put into fast wind with the cueing mode set on fast
winds with the picture visible.

If cueing mode is not selected, when a fast transport
key is pressed, irrespective of the current transport
mode, the unit enters the fast transport mode, even
when the fast transport key is released.

Locate Preroll

Move the cursor to the numeric field, which shows
the pre-roll time when a location point is reached
(displayed in minutes and seconds). For example, if
this field shows


, if a location operation is carried

out to a location memory of 00:20:32, the actual
point located to is 00:20:22.

Note that this is used only in the case of Direct loca-
tion (“Location to a location memory” on page 86),
and not in the case of manual location operations
(“Manual location” on page 87), which locates to the

value entered, irrespective of the pre-roll time set

Use the dial to set the pre-roll value and confirm the
setting of this value with the




A DA-98 DTRS unit controlled by the DM-24 always
locates to a point about seven seconds before the loca-
tion point as entered on the DM-24, irrespective of the
setting made here.

Location memories

The DM-24 allows the storage and recall of up to ten
location memories, allowing easy location of the
controlled devices to predetermined cue points.

Selecting the location point display

As explained in “LOCATE DISPLAY MODE” on
page 20
, the


setting in the


screen is used to determine whether

the LED time counter shows the location memories
as they are entered, edited and recalled, or whether
they are shown as “popup” panels on the LCD dis-
play screen.

When this section mentions “the display” showing
location memory values, this refers to the display that
has been selected in this option.


Depending on the settings for frame display (“Edit
Frames” on page 84)
, the frames value may or may not