17 – specifications—messages and troubleshooting – Teac DM-24 User Manual

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17 – Specifications—Messages and troubleshooting


TASCAM DM-24 Reference Manual

Recall Automation Bank01?
Current data will be erased.
Press ENTER to confirm,
or a cursor key to cancel.

Shown when requesting the recall of an automation memory bank.

Return x is input into Chyy
Press ENTER to continue.

An attempt has been made to assign a return to a channel, when it has already
been assigned to a channel (“Assignable sends” on page 37).

Scanning for cascade slave...

Displayed by cascade master when scanning for slave (“Cascade card” on
page 119).

Signal Info: ADAT
ADAT clock: Internal
Press ENTER to continue.

Sample popup clock information screen for ADAT device (“CLOCK settings” on
page 24

Signal Info: Digital in1
Format: AES/EBU
Contents: Audio
Emphasis: No enable
Channel Mode: Two channel
Fs: 44.1kHz
Word Length: 24bit
Press ENTER to continue.

Sample information popup about the Digital input data (“CLOCK settings” on
page 24

Signal Info: Digital in1
Format: AES/EBU
Contents: Audio
Emphasis: None
Channel Mode: Two channel
Fs: 44.1kHz
Word Length: 24bit
Press ENTER to continue.

Sample popup information screen for AES/EBU data received at a DIGITAL IN
(“CLOCK settings” on page 24).

Signal Info: Digital in1
Format: SPDIF
Contents: Audio
Emphasis: None
SCMS: on
Category: Mixer
Generation: Home Copy
Fs: 44.1kHz
Word Length: 20bit

Press ENTER to continue.

Sample popup information screen for SPDIF data received at a DIGITAL IN
((“CLOCK settings” on page 24).

Signal Info: Digital out 1
Format: SPDIF
Contents: Audio
Emphasis: None
SCMS: off
Category: General
Fs: 44.1kHz
Word Length: 24bit
Press ENTER to continue.

Sample information about the data transmitted from a digital output (“CLOCK
settings” on page 24)

Signal Info: Digital out 1
Format: SPDIF
Contents: Audio
Emphasis: None
SCMS: off
Category: General
Fs: 44.1kHz
Word Length: 24bit
Press ENTER to continue.

Sample popup information screen for SPDIF data transmitted from a DIGITAL
OUT (“CLOCK settings” on page 24).


