Turning groups on and off, Copying mute settings to the faders, Fader groups – Teac DM-24 User Manual

Page 70: 9 – grouping—fader groups

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9 – Grouping—Fader groups


TASCAM DM-24 Reference Manual

If a channel has already been assigned to a group as a
master, pressing the


key clears the whole group.

A popup message appears (

Clear this mute grouping?


and pressing


clears the group. Any of the

cursor keys may be used as “no” or “escape” keys

Turning groups on and off

When a group is highlighted on screen (the cursor
box surrounds it), either use the fourth soft key or the


key to turn the group functionality on or off.

This does not clear the group settings.

Copying mute settings to the faders

At the right of the display, about halfway down the
screen, there is an on-screen



When this button is off, it is labeled



Moving the cursor to this button and pressing


brings up a popup asking whether a link

should be made:

Grouping link(Mute -> Fader)



for yes, cursor keys for no).

This transfers the mute groupings to the fader group-
ings (that is, the fader group settings become identi-
cal to the mute group settings). This is a “live link”—
when changes are made to the mute groups, they are
echoed in the fader groups and the other way round.

The button is now labeled


and is shown

in inverse, showing that the link is active.

Pressing the


button in either the mute or the

fader group screens deactivates the link.

Fader groups

As the name suggests, fader groups allow the chan-
nels to be grouped together in such a way that mov-
ing the master fader of a group affects the fader level
of all the other (slave) faders in the group.

Slave faders may be moved independently of the
other faders in the group.

Groups are shown as horizontal rows in the matrix in
the upper part of the screen. The 32 channels are
shown as columns.

If a row (group) has no check marks or large “bullet”
dots in it, no channels have been assigned to that

To assign a channel to a group, use the § and cur-
sor keys (or the dial) to move the cursor to the appro-
priate row.

If any channels have previously been assigned to the
group. the


key of the master channel flashes

when the group is selected, and the


keys of any

slave channels light.


It may not always be possible to see the flashing SEL
key indicating a group master when you select a group
on screen, as the master channel may be in an inactive
fader layer.

Press the unlit


key of any channel to assign the

channel to the group.

If the channel is the first one to be assigned to the
group, the symbol changes to a large bullet point,
showing that it is the master channel of the group and


indicator flashes.

If the channel is assigned to a group and it is not the
first channel in the group, it is shown with a check
mark to show that it is a slave channel, and the


indicator lights.

If a channel has already been assigned to a group as a
slave and that group is currently selected, pressing


key unassigns it from the group.

If a channel has already been assigned to a group as a
master and another group is currently selected, press-