Cascaded facilities, Soloing and muting, Snapshots – Teac DM-24 User Manual

Page 120: Automation, Midi control change, Cascading and effects, 16 – options—cascade card

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16 – Options—Cascade card


TASCAM DM-24 Reference Manual

Typically, monitoring and stereo outputs should be
connected to the cascade master, but there are a num-
ber of occasions when these outputs may be used
from the slave as well as from the master.

For example:

• Using the stereo buss of both units would allow the

stereo buss of one unit to be used dry, with the
other unit’s stereo buss being processed (compres-
sor, etc.).

• The digital outputs (AES/EBU, SPDIF), together

with the balanced analog) allow for up to 6 differ-
ent stereo mixes to be output simultaneously).

• The monitor outputs on the slave (




) could be used to drive a different set of

monitor speakers (for example mid-field monitors
and smaller computer-type speakers, while the
master unit drives main and near-field speakers).

Cascaded facilities

Soloing and muting

When two units are cas-

caded, the soloing and muting can be shared. How-
ever, note that mute groups and fader groups are not


Snapshot recall and store is cascaded.

In other words, naming and storing a snapshot on the
master also names and stores it on the slave, and
recalling this snapshot on the master also recalls it on
the slave.

This data must be dumped and reloaded individually
from each unit for further use.


When automation is taking place, the

master must receive external timecode (either LTC or

MTTC). This timecode is passed through the cascade
connection to synchronize the slave automation.


The automation UNDO facility is local to one unit only
and is not cascaded.

MIDI Control Change

Each DM-24 in a cascade

can be set to send and receive MIDI Control Change
messages which can be used to control DAWs,. Since
these can be set independently for each unit in the
cascade, a very large number of MIDI controllers can
be assigned and used when using two DM-24 units
cascaded together.

Cascading and effects

When two units are cascaded, there are four internal
effects units in total. These four effects are all avail-
able for assignment from any aux send on either unit.

For example, a reverb could be set up on aux 3, a
chorus effect on aux 4, a delay on aux 5, and a phased
on aux 6, across both units.


Only the “local” effects can be used with inserts and
assignable inserts on each unit.

See the separate effects documentation for further
details of assigning effects.